Why!? Why do they keep making these types of "movie" figures!! He never wore that in the movie!! Why!?
Already they're doing a camo Batman. Those NEVER SELL! Mattel is officially under the definition of insanity- "doing the same thing over and over, expecting a different result each time".
Interesting. I'll probabley at least pick up one Batman Figure and a Joker figure. Commisoner Gordon should get a figure of his own (I don't recall him getting one last time, but, I could be wrong).
I hope the grey isn't so bright on the actual movie costume, compared to that ultimate figure. The smaller ones - eh, show me a Batman Batman, not some Batman in khaki. And yeah - the Commish needs a figure.
I wants me a Bruce Wayne figure (yay my very own Christian Bale action figure), Joker, Batman, and Dent.
QFT!!! I will admit that I actually like some of the odd variations to his suit that they've come up with over the years. This camo one doesn't look that bad, but, if I get one, it'll just be his regular self.
Well its been a busy few days for TDK figures. Some more images have popped up. First up the figures EVERYONE will love!! (Sarcasm)
Even though the rest of them look weird this is sad. I actually think some of the figures such as brown, blue, green, red and silver are sane for who they're directed to.
I SO can't wait to see him use that weaponry in the mo...wait, you mean he isn't gonna use MASSIVE DCverse energon weapons? Aw maaaaan.... In all seriousness though, the other figures (Masked Joker, and the Masked/Unmasked Batman figures) look like they may be worth getting.
Well this is the dark night meaning it might but dear primus let it not gesh at least hasbro is a little clever of re selling there crap