Some time ago I finally acquired figure I have been trying to get since its release - ROTF Leader Jetfire. Coincidentally it happened to be MISB. Because prices of this figure in this particular condition are totally ridiculus I felt kinda bad wanting to open it for the first time and brutally murdering its collectors value. However I really wanted to combine Jetfire with my ROTF Optimus... That's why I did something different than traditional unboxing - movie which shows how unboxed figures must feel when taken out of their safe cardboard box. Hope you like it. If so please feel free to comment and subscribe to my channel P.S. If I posted this thread in wrong place please feel free to move it to the right section. Thank you!
Looks like these sell for like $52 shipped. That's a whopping $12 over than its original price before tax and pretty much no change in value.
kibble - are you sure? I always seemed to find complete, good condition ones (not MISB) for something closer to 80-100 or even more.
Well, a quick look on eBay's sold listings shows that two MISB RotF Jetfires sold for around $120 each in the US. TRANSFORMERS Revenge of the Fallen Leader Class JETFIRE MISB US Seller 653569412762 | eBay 2008 TRANSFORMERS REVENGE OF THE FALLEN JETFIRE AUTOBOT LEADER CLASS MISB | eBay