After seeing "The Worst Brick" thread, I decided to counter it, are there any good bricks out there? Like Armada Tidal Wave, no knee articulation, but man does he look cool.
Armada tidal wave is anything but a brick. Mine is G1 hot rod. still my favourite transformer since 1986. Others may be better, but he still brings joy to me the way hid did when I first got him.
Another one, take a look at the Plastic Addict review of Energon Wing Saber. Looks so awesome, yet has brick level of articulation, but makes another crappy toy awesome.
This is some what of a challenge. I mean how do you find a good brick? I guess a good brick is one that makes up for lack of Articulation by just being cool to look at. I think that's why I like Armada toys because while they're freaking simple bricks they do have ALLOT of cool molded details that some times are actually painted. Seriously though I have repaints of Armada toys and with some of the figures I'll find cool molded details in their repaints that I didn't notice on the original because they neglected to paint it on the original. The reverse is also true where original had the cool painted details and the repaint is an eye sore by comparison. Megatron looks cool, Galvatron is crap. I can't really think off hand of one where the repaint had better paint apps, I want to say Demolisor but I don't remember if I ever had his repaint. If it was in the Armada toy line I have it, if it was in Energon I don't.
I have to pop back up to second the vote for Powermaster Prime. I can't think of another toy of that size from that generation that I fiddled with so much. Just wrong enough in all modes that you wanted to keep transforming him. Just right enough that you felt good when you did.
Superlink Wing Saber. MOST awesome by any standard. The colour scheme, the transformation, the symmetry of the figure itself. I say again..AWESOME
Seriously though, Powermaster Prime is the best brick that I've seen and owned. He was my Holy Grail from about Kindergarten until my parents got me the reissue for Christmas the year it came out. It's just an all around awesome toy no matter what anyone says.
G1 Hot Rod is one of favorite Transformers toys. The C-78C Crystal Hot Rodimus version is the best brick IMO.