If Grimlock ends up showing up in Season 3, do you guys think they'll release a Prime style Voyager Grimlock or just repaint the FOC version and release it kinda like they did with Shockwave?
I have a feeling that Takara will just put Grimlock in the Arms Micron line even if he is not in the show.
Well, my opinion is that IF Grimlock pops up in season 3, he probably won't be sporting the exact same design as FoC (even if the comics do), thus necessitating a new figure anyway. If he doesn't, Hasbro is just going to roll with the FoC release in a separate line. Keep in mind what Takara does and what Hasbro does are two separate things Except he is a FoC figure and Takara has already restarted the United line with an almost confirmed release for Grimlock