I posted a few days ago about putting pins back in with a vise and someo of you suggested pliers, which would probably be easier for most of my pins. I was thinking about a better way to take out pins, and this may only apply to people like me. I want to take my pins out, but I usually work on customs late at night or during baby naptime, both of which require me to not make a bunch of noise. I thought a good alternative to knocking out the pins would be to get a pin remover for watches. Well I paid a few bucks for one and it failed miserably, but I think the idea is still sound. The main reason it failed was because its just not heavy duty enough to push out the pins. I think I can build something that can push out he pins, free up a hand, offer more control, and do it quietly. The control and quiet part is what I'm most concerned with.
got one, I've slipped on more thatn one occaison and melted plastic. Maybe I should just practice more.
You make a reeeaallly fine tip by buying a cheapo RadioShack soldering iron tip and grinding it down into a very small point.
i have thought of a design for this many times the trouble i see is making it adjustable to accomodate long and short pins . at the same time making it strong enough without making it to bulky.
I'll try to wip something up in autocad and give it to one of my shop students to make. I think a setup like the watch pin remover can work, it just needs to be more heavy duty. (I know the link says heavy duty, but its not heavy duty enough) Amazon.com: Heavy Duty Watch Band Tool Link Pin Remover with 2 extra pins: Watch Pavilion: Jewelry
We have a mini gear puller lying around at work, same as the one in the link/pic. I've been wondering if it would work for pushing pins out. May have to borrow it one night to see if it works! GWS MINI/MICRO PINION GEAR PULLER, RC18T MINI-T NIB! - eBay (item 290294599262 end time Jun-06-09 12:51:59 PDT) *EDIT* That pic is just about actual size!