So I thought that I might as well make on dedicated thread to my devastator project. I will link the old threads in the future, but for now here is wht i have so far, along with pictures of my rework of longhaul. here is the concept art for devastator I am going off of, and before you ask, yest he will be able to hunch over like in the movie. Personally I prefer this look as it is more intimidating, but re-watching his scenes, he has an ab crunch that should make it easy to have both if I design it right. anyways here is a mock-up of his proportions so far and here are his proportions in he is crawling. For long haul i knew he had enough mass to make a leg, however his backpack kibble had to be relocated to give him the length he needed. I also am splitting his lower legs to be his knee joint, and carrying his fake grill thigh pieces to fill out the bottom of his thigh. At the moment I am finalizing how his upper leg with connect together and be secure enough to connect to devy's hips, but once I have overload I can re-work his arms to connect better. anyways I will start organizing this once I get the rest and can work on more of them. C&C always welcome!
yep they all still transform into all 3 modes. Thank you! once I have each a little farther along I will do a more in depth showing of the mods. Thank you!
so far the extensive mods are to long haul and rotf rampge, here is the thread for buckethead and hightower Heavy/Scratch: - Hightower overhaul and here is my rampage which ill try to mimic with this rampage Heavy/Scratch: - SS Rampage overhaul
when this project is finished, Can you make a youtube video or slide show showing the finalized transformation and all the changes?
did a bit of work on mixmaster and devy's head, added a neck joint to his head that should be pretty good for combined mode, may change it up later on, but works for now. honestly pretty easy i can put together a guide if anyone wants. the other thing is i made his smokestacks fold down to allow clearance for the new joint. also cut up his face to make devy's face more correct, still a little off, but much better than before. let me know what you all think! thanks!
little update on his face, im making his face how i want it to look in the end, then im going to cut it up to make it fold away.
That looks horrible and terrifyingly awkward "in the best way possible" Like a really strange mentally ******ed/degenerated astonished skull.