Need some advice- what are some decent methods for stress relief? Normally I don't let things bother me but as of late my sleep patterns have been affected and its really beginning to take its toll.
If it's work related, take a vacation... possibly a trip Get a massage (a real one) Work out.. anything that can tire you out.. always helps me sleep The best stress relief is to try and fix/resolve/avoid whatever it is that's giving you stress
Might be time for a vacation. God knows I need one. I've developed an eye twitch. Also try buying a punching bag (a big one) and beating the utter shit out of it.
Guys at work always give me shit about how laid back I am. I dont let things get to me, I never let my workload get to me, I just think to my self thats more job security. It's also a plus that the main man who runs the show is the same way about things. do what you can and go home, there are bigger things to worry about in the world, things that matter more to you personally. And if it is that, I personally do not attempt anything with out playing the entire deck in the game so to speak of. So dont leave things unattended for too long or you will be thinking about it all the time, and looking for another oppotunity to finish it when none is available. Do things that give you a sense of accomplishment. I too had the same problem, while back, thats what helped me, like others said, excercise and vacation help out alot too.
In the great words of Moe...booze, booze, and more booze. Just kidding. Exercise always helps. I wouldnt recommend smoking. Maybe meditation or Yoga? Rock out to some heavy metal. Get a hobby, aside from collecting toys.
School was gettin to me so I saw a campus counselor who suggested a ~15 daily relaxation/meditation routine as well as some breathing exercises to help me get to sleep. The latter has definitely helped me fall to sleep quicker (no more tossing and turning for hours), making for 6-8 hours of sleep a night - that's an immense improvement for me.
Video games, excercise and a week vacation/day off might help (work related). And take a walk or ride your bicycle.
I quit my last job after 6 years because of stress, if its really bad and affecting your everyday life call it a day and sack it off, I wish I had done it earlier As for the punch bag thing, it makes stress worse because you are focusing anger aswell as releasing it which is a vicious cycle where you wont forget or remedy the actual root cause, every time you lay into the bag your refreshing your memory of what the problem was in the first place.
I am super high strung and work at a very stressful job, for me the only thing that really works is lifting weights, it takes a few weeks of doing so consistently and on schedule to work, but as long as I stay at it my stress levels go way down.
Personal pampering. Self-indulgence (but please stick to healthy things). As someone mentioned, a real massage could go a long way. A walk in the park over the weekend, a jog, taking a short little road trip or something. Just get away from whatever's bothering you for a while. Everyone deserves a break more often than not. : ) If it's sleep you're having trouble getting, you could try a hot shower/ bath to aid that.
Crap, I was just about to suggest that but then I saw your post. I find using a punching bag helps release some of the build-up of stress and tires out the body if you go at it long enough. Although it doesn't really help with the mental part. You just have to work through that afterwards.
Calimine tea is an nice stress reliever, add a touch of honey too :d. Depending on how bad it is.. Not that I'm pushing teh drugz on you lawl. But, I take diazepam (generic valium) for stress, anxiety, panic attacks, and night-terrors. Stuff works wonders and is around 10 dollars or so for a month's worth. It's a controlled substance I think, so you'll need a doctor to prescribe it for you. I HATE mind altering drugs, but the the affect this stuff has on me is really nice. And doesn't change my personality at all. Just.. makes me feel like I do after a few drinks, mellow, chilled, a bomb could go off and I wouldn't care. Like; "e_e... anxiety problems what.. oh whatever e____e *chill*"
Totally agree about the vacation if you can possibly take one. Luckily for me I play drums so that's usually how I get out some aggression/stress haha.