Sounds unreal, but for whatever the average donation is (around $6 atm) you can get a crapload of THQ games on steam. This is 100% legit, I'm DLing mine as I type this. The best part? THQ is likely going under, but even if you're not a fan of their business practices and would enjoy watching them burn (while still playing their games ), you can adjust where your donation goes and contribute all of it to someone who actually needs it, like the red cross. So whether your a fan of them or not, it's a great deal to pick up some solid titles for dirt cheap, and make a nice donation on top of it.
Already got the best games in that pack (Metro 2033, SR3, and CoH) but bought anyway. I even just got CoH over the Thanksgiving sale, but I'm not even mad about it. This is a great deal guys for some fantastic games. Give to charity, but be sure to throw a few bucks THQ's way too (they're basically a charity at this point). They have sequels to Metro and Company of Heroes coming out, and I don't want them to go under before those games are released.
I've already got Darksiders and Saints Row, but the soundtracks make this definitely worth buying a couple doubles of some decent games. Plus, the charity thing...