Star Wars RPG? Interest/Sign Up Thread

Discussion in 'RPG and Games Forum' started by UltraGalvatron1, Dec 27, 2016.

  1. UltraGalvatron1

    UltraGalvatron1 General Kenobi, you are a bold one.

    Aug 3, 2015
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    I know there was one quite a while ago that died off, and I attempted to kickstart a Clone Wars one about a year ago but didn't get enough interest to run, but with the returned hype to Star Wars from Force Awakens, Rogue One and Rebels I was wondering if it would be worthwhile trying to start another one?

    For this one the time era I was thinking would be somewhere in between Rebels and Rogue One, early Imperial period, with the Rebel Alliance starting to become a serious threat to the Empire.

    So, in the hope we can start this off, here are some rules:

    1) Don't be THAT guy. You know, THAT guy? Yeah, don't be him.

    2) I am a mod. At this stage I don't have any others, but I will update if anyone wants to help out.

    3) Run any serious campaign ideas through me before implementing them.

    4) Maximum 10 Characters (only 1 Force Sensitive per faction), which can be split through the following factions:

    The Rebel Alliance/The Alliance to Restore the Republic: A group of freedom fighters that seek to overthrow the Empire by any means to return the Galactic Republic to power, overthrowing the Emperor and electing a new Chancellor. They see the time for peace and negotiation as over; change needs to happen now, by force. Sub-Groups include: Saw Gerrera's Rebels, The Ghost Crew/The Lothal Rebels, Outcast Jedi etc.

    The Galactic Empire: The current ruling force over the galaxy, after the previous Supreme Chancellor, Sheev Palpatine (secretly the Sith Lord Darth Sidious), manipulated the Galactic Senate into reorganising itself into the Galactic Empire at the aftermath of the Clone Wars. During this time, Anakin Skywalker, the Chosen One, was manipulated into turning to the dark side, and becoming Palpatine's apprentice, Darth Vader (which is not known to the general public) and the Jedi were all but extinguished when Palpatine used the Clone Army of the Republic to enact Order 66, a Clone Contingency Order which over-rode the chips planted within the skulls of the Clones, forcing them to turn on and execute their Jedi superiors. The Empire has now been going strong for many years, but this new threat, the galactic terrorists that label themselves the 'Rebel Alliance'. The Emperor will not tolerate this, and the Galactic Civil War has erupted. Sub-Groups include: The 501st Legion 'Vader's Fist', The Inquisitorius, Advanced Weapon Research etc.

    Scum and Villainy: The crime lords, bounty hunters and other wretched individuals who have thrived underneath the rule of the Empire. Can range from famed bounty hunters like Boba Fett, Bossk and Dengar to crime lords such as Jabba the Hutt, and even just sly individuals such as Lando Calrissian. Sub-Groups include: Mandalorians, The Bounty Hunter Guild, Hutt Crimelords etc.

    5) The characters will mostly consist of OCs, but if you wish to claim an existing character please message me. NOTE: The following characters will not be accepted (although more may be added to this list): Darth Vader, Emperor Palpatine, Boba Fett, Yoda, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, Leia Organa, Jyn Erso, Saw Gerrera, Bail Organa, Director Orson Krennic, Governor Tarkin etc. These characters are considered to vital to the core story of Star Wars, but can be used by mods and or on one off occasions if permission is granted by mods (i.e, you have a story you want to use implementing Darth Vader, so a mod decides to run him for your story or you can gain temporary control of him for the duration of the sub-plot).

    6) Have fun!

    Use the following bio sheet for creating characters:




    History and Personality:

    Equipment/Force Abilities:

    Portrayed by (which actor/actress plays your character? Try to avoid using the same actors as others):

    Other notes on appearance:

    Theme (Optional):

    So guys. If interested please leave a reply down below, and start building characters.

    As the filthy Rebel Alliance would say; "May the Force be with you."

    Character List:

    The Empire
    Inquisitor Karrus (The Second Brother) - Zabrak Inquisitor - UltraGalvatron1
    Lieutenant Commander Proxima Nightsinger - Human Imperial Officer - UltraGalvatron1
    Jak Seevar - Imperial Deathtrooper - Devaron9
    A-21 - Imperial Cruiser Command Droid - Devaron9
    Jacqueline "Jax" Takkan - Human Stormtrooper Commander - Ranger Silver 6
    Clench Driver - Human Storm Commando - Olymprix
    RC-1013 'Sarge' - Clone Storm Commando - UltraGalvatron1
    Armaeus Chetnik - TIE Striker Pilot - UltraGalvatron1

    The Rebellion
    Balderich von Tythos - Blam320
    Admiral Kryll Thermis - Mon Calamari Rebel - Devaron9
    Milor Kiff - Rebel Starfighter Pilot - Devaron9
    Pok Zrillo - Neimodian Diplomat - UltraGalvatron1
    Redrum - Medical Droid - Ranger Silver 6
    Lieutenant Ace - Defector Clone Trooper - Devaron9
    AZ-33 - Rebellion Aligned Spy Droid - UltraGalvatron1

    Scum and Villainy
    Risken Vondrak - Neimodian Bounty Hunter - Ranger Silver 6
    Kleess - Trandoshan Bounty Hunter - Olymprix
    Last edited: Jan 23, 2017
  2. Olymprix

    Olymprix Moonwalkin' on the Ceiling

    Jan 20, 2014
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    In front of the computer
    I'm down. I'll just transfer my characters from the old RP over to this one, maybe make a new one or two.
  3. UltraGalvatron1

    UltraGalvatron1 General Kenobi, you are a bold one.

    Aug 3, 2015
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  4. UltraGalvatron1

    UltraGalvatron1 General Kenobi, you are a bold one.

    Aug 3, 2015
    Trophy Points:
    My characters

    • Name: Lieutenant Commander Proxima Nightsinger
      "Yes, thank you, Governor Tarkin." - Proxima Nightsinger, upon her promotion from Grand Moff Tarkin

      Species: Human (Age 28)

      Gender: Female

      History and Personality: (History of Service) Proxima Nightsinger is one of the first of the generations of new Imperial Officers. Unlike many of the older, higher ranked Officers, who began their service in the Galactic Empire, Nightsinger was trained and recruited through the now standard Imperial methods, meaning she has no attachment to the Jedi or Galactic Senate, which the Emperor has found to cause problems with certain other Officers. Recently promoted to Lieutenant Commander after a recommendation of none other than Grand Moff Tarkin, Nightsinger has been given command of the Victory-Class Star Destroyer, 'The Hydra', and is part of the Empire's Outer Rim Command. (History Pre-Service) Proxima was the daughter of a Republic Navy Admiral, and was raised during the Clone Wars. She was on Coruscant when Chancellor Palpatine was kidnapped by General Grievous, and her father's vessel was destroyed by the Seperatist blockade. She was then raised by her mother for the rest of her life, until at the age of 14 she was brought under the Imperial training academy. She passed all her examinations with stunning results, and was granted the rank of Midshipwoman at the age of 18, three years younger than most applicants. Despite her stunning results and brilliant mind, her faith in the Imperial cause was not as secured as those who had hopes for her would think. As such, Grand Moff Tarkin, who had been following Nightsinger's rise through the ranks, organised a mock Rebel attack on the planet where Proxima's mother was currently living, hiring Bounty Hunters to impersonate Rebel soldiers. When the 'Rebels' attacked the Imperial Garrison on world, Proxima's mothers was conveniently caught in the crossfire, and was cut down by laser fire from the 'Rebel' soldiers. Proxima was distraught when she heard this, and her allegiance to the Empire was solidified... for now. (Personality) Nightsinger is surprisingly caring and compassionate for an Imperial Officer, and she cares greatly for the crew of her vessel and the Stormtroopers she transports. She is, in turn, deeply respected by most of her crew because of those very traits. That being said, she can be stern and cold when needed, as all Officers, and she harbours a deep, personal hatred for the Rebellion due to their hand in causing the death of her mother. She also is known for hating former Seperatists, who killed her father. She is not afraid to get into a firefight, and always has a blaster pistol on hand.

      Equipment/Force Abilities:
      Being a Lieutenant Commander in the Imperial Navy, Nightsinger has the appropriate ranking badge. She also has a DT-29 Heavy Blaster holstered at all times. Being non-Force sensitive, she cannot use any Force Abilities.

      Portrayed by (which actor/actress plays your character? Try to avoid using the same actors as others): Emilia Clarke (Daenerys from Game of Thrones)

      Other notes on appearance: She wears an Imperial Outfit like that of Director Orson Krennic; a white outfit with a flowing cape. She has long black hair, usually left untied and brown eyes.

      Untitled design (19).png

    • Name: Inquisitor Karrus - The Second Brother
      "You will soon see the errors of your ways." - Karrus upon the execution of Jedi Padawan Harnet Yerlik

      Species: Zabrak (Age 53)

      Gender: Male

      History and Personality: (History) Formerly Jedi Knight Karrus Hoovan of the Jedi Order, the Second Brother survived the initial execution of Clone Protocol Order 66, he was later captured by the mysterious Imperial Sentinels, and was brought before the Emperor and the Grand Inquisitor. His green bladed lightsaber taken from him, he was given a choice; join the Inquisitorious, or die. Karrus accepted easily, telling himself that he would soon escape, and help rebuild the order... but the Dark Side was like a drug; one small taste and he was addicted. Forever Karrus's destiny was then dominated by the Dark Side, and he loved it. Rechristened as the Second Brother, Karrus began to hunt down former Jedi, making them join him or killing them, as was the way of the Inquisitorious. (Personality) Although many personal traits of Karrus were suppressed upon his turn to the Dark Side, many weren't. He is still sly, sarcastic and obviously FAR superior to you. He has discovered a craving for Dark Side knowledge, and when not hunting for Jedi he often seeks out Ancient Sith temples, and he has developed a particular affinity for Sith Alchemy.

      Equipment/Force Abilities: Karrus wields a standard issue Inquisitor Lightsaber. He is strong in Force Telekinesis (abilities such as Force Pull and Push and Force Choke/Force Grip), but weaker in abilities such as Mind Trick and Force Lightning, but is also skilled in Force augmentation, which he uses to gain an edge in lightsaber duels.

      Portrayed by (which actor/actress plays your character? Try to avoid using the same actors as others): Alan Rickman (Snape from the Harry Potter movies)

      Other notes on appearance: He wears Sith Inquisitor armour similar to that of the Fifth Brother, minus the headgear. He has yellow, corrupted Sith eyes, and like most Zabrak, has no hair, but his head is still covered in regular Zabrak horns.
      Untitled design (20).png

    • Name: Pok Zrillo
      "We attempted to deal with the Empire... at first." - Pok reminiscing on his first encounter with the Empire and Darth Vader.

      Species: Neimodian (Age 46)

      Gender: Male

      History and Personality: (History) Pok Zrillos, like most members of the Trade Federation, secretly sided with the Confederacy of Independent Systems during the Clone Wars which engulfed the galaxy not too many years ago. When General Grievous ordered the key Seperatist leaders to Mustafar, Pok was not amongst them, as he was a lower ranking officer in the C.I.S's command structure. His ship, a Trade Federation Cruiser, remained in orbit of Cato Neimodia, the home planet of his race. A few years after the war ended, Pok remained (with many Trade Federation survivors) in orbit of his home planet as the Confederacy slowly dissolved and the Republic transitioned into the Empire. However, the Emperor toke this massing of Trade Federation ships as a threat, and he deployed Darth Vader to 'negotiate' with Pok and the other Neimodian leaders. A single Star Destroyer dropped out of hyperspace in front of the Trade Federation fleet, and in a shuttle he boarded Pok's ship. Alone he met with the Neimodian leaders, and surprise-surprise, the Sith was not intent on negotiating. He carved through the Trade Federation representatives and their droid bodyguards in a mass slaughter. Due to the sacrifice of Magnaguard bodyguards, Pok managed to escape in a shuttle. The last he saw of Cato Neimodia was an Imperial fleet destroying Trade Federation ships and landing on the planet below. With a single salvaged droid pilot, Pok escaped, and decided to join the Rebel Alliance... (Personality) Like most Neimodians that are part of the Trade Federation, he is a slimy business man, but he is also more noble then others. He is a good diplomat, and he was seen with slight despise by other members of the Trade Federation, as he treats his droids like the Jedi treated like Clone Troopers, letting them take nick-names and keeping their own personalities.

      Equipment/Force Abilities: Pok has a hold-out blaster pistol. He owns a Seperatist Shuttle and a Droid Pilot for it, known as B-137462842 'Kliks'.

      Portrayed by (which actor/actress plays your character? Try to avoid using the same actors as others): Tom Kenny (Nute Gunray on the Clone Wars)

      Other notes on appearance: Neimoidian_NEGAS.jpg
    • Name: RC-1013 'Sarge'
      "The Jedi were traitors to the Republic. We followed our orders. And we don't question orders..." - RC-1013 on the Execution of Clone Contingency Order 66

      Species: Human (Clone - Age 31)

      Gender: Male

      History and Personality: (History) One of the few original Jango Fett clones still in field service during the age of the Empire (due to extensive surgeries and additional bionics), Sarge went through many battles during the time of the Galactic Republic, including in participation of the First Battle of Geonosis. Six standard months into the war, Sarge would be placed in command of Blue Squad and White Squad on a mission to recover a gift to Supreme Chancellor from the diplomats from Malastare. During the operation, Sarge and the others discovered that the gift had been stolen by Trandoshan bounty hunters, and as the battle progressed through the streets of Malastare, more of the Commando's and more of the Bounty Hunter's were get slain. Blue Squad went down first, slain after attacking the Trandoshan's speeder convoy. Then, one by one, the members of White Squad were slain, until it was just Sarge and the leader of the Trandoshan's. Stabbing the Trandoshan with a vibro-dagger, Sarge stated 'That was for my squad.' This encounter led to Sarge developing a dislike for Trandoshan's and Bounty Hunters in general. He was later assigned to Aiwha Squad, which was composed of three more Republic Commando's. During the final hours of the Clone Wars, Sarge, Aiwha Squad and their Jedi General, Master Traavis, were sent to the planet of Garqi, which they liberated from Seperatist control. Later, however, Sarge was ordered to execute Clone Protocol 66, which he did, and he and Aiwha Squad gunned down General Traavis, whose death was reported as the Jedi 'kidnapping children to indoctrinate them'. After the end of the Clone Wars, like all Jango Fett Clone's, Sarge began to suffer from rapid ageing. Rather then let this stop his service to the Empire, Sarge asked if there was anyway to stop the ageing. This led to Sarge becoming almost a cyborg, one of his eyes was replaced by a bionic eye, and his legs and arms were also replaced by cybernetics. He then went through surgery once a year to have heavy surgery on his head, which would involve stripping his aged skin and replacing it with prosthetic skin, which was easier then it sounded, due to his clone DNA. This led Sarge to being more machine than man, very reminiscent of Darth Vader of even Saw Gerrera near the end of the latter's life. Sarge was then placed in command of a new Storm Commando Squad, where he developed a dislike for recruited human Stormtroopers (which replaced Clone Troopers), stating that Clone's were better overall. He was not the only Clone to have this opinion, as CC-2224 'Cody', who was placed in command of Stormtrooper training on Kamino would later publicly announce the same opinion, developing both the Clones a dislike by human recruits. (Personality) Sarge was well known for his care for his fellow Republic Commando's during the Clone Wars, where he openly expressed rage at Trandoshan bounty hunter's for the death of his Squad. However, as he became leader of a Storm Commando Squad, he developed a dislike for the rest of his squad, which was composed of recruited humans. He was an incredibly loyal soldier, even acknowledged as such by Chancellor Palpatine, for both his mission to Malastare and later Garqi.

      Equipment/Force Abilities: Sarge has a set of Katarn-Class Commando Armour with red markings. He has a DC-17m Blaster Rifle, and a vibro-dagger that could be deployed from both knuckles.

      Portrayed by (which actor/actress plays your character? Try to avoid using the same actors as others): Temuera Morrison (Jango Fett + Live Action Clone Troopers)

      Other notes on appearance: Sarge.jpg

    • Name: AZ-33 (Aye Zee Thirty-Three)
      "The Empire knows of the presence of this base now." - AR-33 contacting Rebels on Dantooine

      Species: RA-7 Protocol Droid

      Gender: None (Masculine Voice)

      History and Personality: (History) AZ-33 was, during the Clone Wars, a Republic aligned Protocol Droid that served aboard various Star Destroyers and Republic Bases. Once the war had ended, and the Republic was re-organised into the Galactic Empire, AZ-33 quickly came to the conclusion that the Empire had squandered the efforts of the Republic, and also had become just as cruel and tyrannical as the Confederacy they swore to destroy during the Clone Wars. AZ-33 eventually, through listening in on conversations of higher ranked Imperial Officers, that there were Rebellions popping up across the galaxy, in defiance of the rule of Emperor Sheev Palpatine. AZ-33, who is currently stationed on the Victory-Class Star Destroyer, 'The Hydra', has made contact with the Rebel cell on Rakhata Prime, and feeds them information when he can. (Personality) AZ-33 is one of the most loyal Droids you'll ever meet... once he has a worthy cause. During the Clone Wars that was aiding the Jedi and the Clone Troopers to help them in anyway as they attempted to destroy the Seperatists, and now its feeding information on Imperial activity to the Rebel Alliance. AZ-33 acts quite emotionless in the presence of his Imperial superiors, but is shown to have lots of enthusiasm elsewhere.

      Equipment/Force Abilities: N/a

      Portrayed by (which actor/actress plays your character? Try to avoid using the same actors as others): Frank Welker (like G1 Soundwave)

      Other notes on appearance: RA7-SWGTCWAoD.jpg

    • Name: Armaeus Chetnik
      "Only a dead Rebel is a good Rebel."

      Species: Human

      Gender: Male (28)

      History and Personality: (History) Recruited into the Imperial Academy at the age of thirteen, taken from his family on Bespin, Armaeus was quickly discovered to show greater skill then most when it came to piloting, and was quickly pushed into the Pilot Program. Armaeus progressed quickly, showing particular skill in the newly developed TIE Striker, an aerial defence TIE Variant designed for in orbit combat, and when he finally passed his final exam, he was given command of one of the few TIE Striker Squadrons not based on Scarif, and was placed in command of Azure Squadron, the TIE Strikers based on Rakata Prime. His squadron was noted to always win their battles, but with high casualties, as Armaeus was ruthless when it came to gaining victory. (Personality) Armaeus was cruel and ruthless, ready to use often shunned tactics to defeat his foes. He is held in a grudging respect by his peers, although he is dislike by most of his superiors. He is quickly angered when his side begins to loose, but is known to crack the odd joke when they're winning.

      Equipment/Force Abilities: Armaeus is known to use the Hold-Out Blaster Pistol used by Scout Troopers and Biker Scouts, although he does use an E-11 Blaster Carbine in the rare occasion he is on foot during a battle. He owns a set of TIE Fighter Pilot armour, as well as his personalised TIE Striker, the Hellhound, which sports light blue markings across its wings.

      Portrayed by (which actor/actress plays your character? Try to avoid using the same actors as others): Josh Duhamel (Lennox from the Bayverse Transformer Movies)

      Other notes on appearance: TIE_Pilot_Sideshow.png

    Last edited: Jan 23, 2017
  5. Devaron9

    Devaron9 Token Falchion Wielding Welshy

    Sep 24, 2015
    Trophy Points:
    Seems interesting (even if I actually had a similar idea). May join, but might I suggest neatening your bios? It's kinda hard to make out where one begins and the next ends. Maybe separate it out with spoilers tags?
  6. moreprimeland

    moreprimeland Optimus told me to do it!

    Feb 2, 2009
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    1. Would suggest the ORDERED LIST OPTION instead of Spoiler Tags... no sense in pretending to hide something that should be visible (and is anyway)
    2. LIKE THIS
    3. AND THIS
    4. AND THIS
    5. AND THIS
    6. ETC
    7. ETC
  7. UltraGalvatron1

    UltraGalvatron1 General Kenobi, you are a bold one.

    Aug 3, 2015
    Trophy Points:
    My hopes are that it looks better now that I've
    a) Used the list option (which I didn't know existed before)
    b) condensed the images for each character into one image each.
  8. Blam320

    Blam320 Assembly Inventor

    Oct 1, 2016
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    Crux Prime
    I'm in. I've been looking for a place to start off this new character I've had in mind.

    Name: Balderich von Tythos
    Quote: "Sir Balderich von Tythos, Knight of the Jedi Order, at your service!"

    Unknown, Presumably Human

    Gender: Male

    History and Personality:
    Over 1000 years ago, during the time of the Old Republic and the Sith Empire, Balderich was, by Jedi standards, perfectly ordinary, if a bit over-the-top, stylizing himself a paladin of the Force and championing the light. He maintained a deep rivalry with the Sith Lord Darth Mortilus, and the two frequently clashed as the Old Sith Wars raged on. One faithful day, the two engaged on an unknown planet in one final battle, pitting each others troops against one another and meeting in single combat. Balderich managed to land a killing blow, but Mortilus, in a last-ditch effort to claim victory, drained the Living Force from everything in the vicinity, including his own troops. This only restored him to an unending half-life, and he retreated into unknown space to further his study in the Dark Side, so he could complete the process and achieve true immortality. On the brink of death, Balderich was restored by the power of the Cosmic Force, which recognized the imbalance. Knowing Mortilus would reveal himself in time, Balderich now wanders the galaxy, continuing his now endless crusade until he meets his nemesis again, and finally puts both of them to rest.

    Equipment/Force Abilities:
    Stable Blue Crossguard Lightsaber; Shield with the Old Jedi Order insignia; while his force abilities are standard for Jedi (basic telekinesis), Balderich literally lives off the Cosmic Force, and can momentarily channel it for greater use than simply sustaining him, though this significantly drains him afterward. Depending on the size of the task, the effects range from exhaustion (day-to-day existence, creating an illusion) to losing consciousness (moving massive objects or diffusing significant amounts of energy).

    Portrayed by (which actor/actress plays your character? Try to avoid using the same actors as others):
    Darin de Paul (voice)

    Other notes on appearance:
    Balderich constantly wears a stark white suit of Old-Republic era trooper armor with black undergear/joints and a matching helmet, and as such his face is never seen. Sometimes he is seen wearing a traditional Jedi cloak.

    upload_2017-1-5_21-40-18.png upload_2017-1-5_21-41-46.png
  9. UltraGalvatron1

    UltraGalvatron1 General Kenobi, you are a bold one.

    Aug 3, 2015
    Trophy Points:
    Approved. Just keep in mind most Imperials will probably attack you on sight due to to your obvious Jedi status ;) 
  10. Blam320

    Blam320 Assembly Inventor

    Oct 1, 2016
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    Crux Prime
    "Let zem come! I love a good fight!"
  11. UltraGalvatron1

    UltraGalvatron1 General Kenobi, you are a bold one.

    Aug 3, 2015
    Trophy Points:
    Ok ;) 
  12. Devaron9

    Devaron9 Token Falchion Wielding Welshy

    Sep 24, 2015
    Trophy Points:
    Might take a little while to do bios, but I'll put a few names down.

    Admiral Kryll Thermis - Mon Calamari Rebel

    Jak Seevar - Imperial Deathtrooper

    Milor Kiff - Rebel Starfighter Pilot

    A-21 - Imperial Cruiser Command Droid
  13. UltraGalvatron1

    UltraGalvatron1 General Kenobi, you are a bold one.

    Aug 3, 2015
    Trophy Points:
    Cool, whenever you're ready bro. :) 
  14. Ranger Silver 6

    Ranger Silver 6 Bang Bang

    Jun 17, 2011
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    I'll copy over my bios from the old RP, and edit them to fit your template at a later time.

    Name: Jacqueline "Jax" Takkan

    Species: Human

    Age: 25

    Gender: Female

    Affiliation: Galactic Empire

    Physical Description: Short red hair, blue eyes, slim build. Stormtrooper Commander armor, added recon visor on helmet, armor pauldron across chest and left shoulder, second utility belt across midriff, right shoulder plate has series of tally marks scratched in.

    Bio: Jax is a rookie relative to some of her superiors. Not serving since the beginning, but highly dedicated to the cause. She follows her orders, though not necessarily by the books. She has a platoon of shadowtroopers under her command to handle the serious dirty work, so she can focus on the more important tasks.

    Weapons/Skills: Standard Stormtrooper gear, E-11 blaster, additional SE-14r repeater pistol. Beyond her personalized armor, standard trooper training, with the benefit of experience and keen tactical sense.

    Name: Risken Vondrak

    Species: Neimoidian

    Age: 37

    Gender: Male

    Affiliation: Independent Bounty Hunter

    Physical Description: Pale green skin, right eye replaced with cybernetic implant with several large cuts and scars beneath/around it. Left arm cybernetic from the elbow down, masked with synthetic skin. Armor is based on Durasteel Mandalorian gear, repaired with old Clone Trooper and Stormtrooper gear, and even some ship parts.

    Bio: A simple bounty hunter looking to make a living when the bounties are all going to the big name hunters. Makes all of his own equipment from scavenged parts.

    Weapons/Skills: Heavy blaster pistol modified into a jury rigged repeating rifle. Arm-mounted flamethrower. Slugthrower sniper rifle with silencer.

    Name: Redrum

    Species: 2-1B Medical Droid

    Age: 16

    Gender: Male

    Affiliation: Rebellion

    Physical Description: Red 2-1B medical droid. Basic armor grafted onto it. Right craw hand replace with one from a protocol droid, allowing use of weapons, and the left medical device has been modified for use in combat.

    Bio: Originally owned by the Empire, this 2-1B was used to assist in performing blood transfusions. An error in it's programming led it it attempting to drain blood from personnel not involved in the procedure, resulting in several fatalities. Eventually it fell into the hands of the rebellion, where it was reprogrammed to only target Imperials, and act as an emergency field medic.

    Weapons/Skills: Typically makes use of scavenged weapons for combat. Left arm mounted surgical tool can be used to both extract blood from targets, or administer medications.
  15. UltraGalvatron1

    UltraGalvatron1 General Kenobi, you are a bold one.

    Aug 3, 2015
    Trophy Points:
    Cool mate. :) 
  16. Ranger Silver 6

    Ranger Silver 6 Bang Bang

    Jun 17, 2011
    Trophy Points:
    But yeah, those are my characters.
  17. UltraGalvatron1

    UltraGalvatron1 General Kenobi, you are a bold one.

    Aug 3, 2015
    Trophy Points:
    Well make the new bios when ever your ready. :) 
  18. Olymprix

    Olymprix Moonwalkin' on the Ceiling

    Jan 20, 2014
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    In front of the computer
    I'll drop my old profiles here too so I don't have to dig them up later. Will update to your format tomorrow, I hope.

    Name: Clench Driver

    Species: Human

    Age: 31

    Gender: Male

    Affiliation: Galactic Empire

    Physical Description: Out of armor: tall man, fair skin, close-cut dark hair, narrow scar running from right corner of mouth to chin.
    In armor:

    Bio: One of the first non-clone humans to be recruited into the stormtrooper commando program. How he passed his training with flying colors remains an enigma to his superior officers: for a soldier trained for absolute discipline, he seems terribly undisciplined. He never fails to make the most inappropriate, irreverent quips whenever possible and is more than willing to talk back to his commander. However, these traits are tolerated because he has rallied his fellow troopers with a well-timed wisecrack more than once and because he is, beyond a shadow of a doubt, one of the most lethal and cunning warriors of the Empire.

    Weapons/Skills: DC-17m blaster with sniper and anti-armor attachments; DC-15s sidearm blaster; thermal detonators; deployable gauntlet-mounted vibroblade; advanced martial arts training
    Name: Kleess

    Species: Trandoshan

    Age: 56

    Gender: Male

    Affiliation: Independent bounty hunter; loyal only to whomever is paying him the most

    Physical Description: Tall Trandoshan; wears heavy, dented, scorched armor and a scarf around lower face; right side of face, right arm, and left hand have been replaced with cybernetic prostheses

    Bio: Kleess is one of the most dangerous mercenaries in the galaxy in that he has no loyalty. He has been known to accept contracts from the Imperial governors, only to return to assassinate his original client when the target gives him a better offer. Fortunately for him, he can back up his treachery with skill and cunning. In fact, when his regenerative abilities began to decline and he suffered a devastating injury, he not only augmented his damaged arm and face with prostheses, but also replaced his other hand with a prosthesis in order to improve his dexterity. He is often accompanied by his reprogrammed super battle droid. Curiously, he lacks the intense hatred of Wookiees natural to his species.

    Weapons/Skills: Gradually diminishing natural regenerative abilities; multi-tool built into right arm; heavy laser rifle
    Name: Clench Driver

    Quote: TBD

    Species: Human (Age 31)

    Gender: Male

    History and Personality: One of the first non-clone humans to be recruited into the stormtrooper commando program. How he passed his training with flying colors remains an enigma to his superior officers: for a soldier trained for absolute discipline, he seems terribly undisciplined. He never fails to make the most inappropriate, irreverent quips whenever possible and is more than willing to talk back to his commander. However, these traits are tolerated because he has rallied his fellow troopers with a well-timed wisecrack more than once and because he is, beyond a shadow of a doubt, one of the most lethal and cunning warriors of the Empire.

    Equipment: Katarn-class armor; DC-17m blaster with sniper and anti-armor attachments; DC-15s sidearm blaster; thermal detonators; deployable gauntlet-mounted vibroblade; advanced martial arts training

    Portrayed by: Chris Pratt

    Other notes on appearance: Armor
    Name: Kleess

    Quote: TBD

    Species: Trandoshan (Age 56)

    Gender: Male

    History and Personality: Kleess is one of the most dangerous mercenaries in the galaxy in that he has no loyalty. He has been known to accept contracts from the Imperial governors, only to return to assassinate his original client when the target gives him a better offer. Fortunately for him, he can back up his treachery with skill and cunning. In fact, when his regenerative abilities began to decline and he suffered a devastating injury, he not only augmented his damaged arm and face with prostheses, but also replaced his other hand with a prosthesis in order to improve his dexterity. He is often accompanied by his reprogrammed super battle droid. Curiously, he lacks the intense hatred of Wookiees natural to his species.

    Equipment: Gradually diminishing natural regenerative abilities; multi-tool built into right arm; heavy laser rifle

    Notes on appearance: Tall Trandoshan; wears heavy, dented, scorched armor and a scarf around lower face; right side of face, right arm, and left hand have been replaced with cybernetic prostheses
    Last edited: Jan 16, 2017
  19. UltraGalvatron1

    UltraGalvatron1 General Kenobi, you are a bold one.

    Aug 3, 2015
    Trophy Points:
    No problem dude.

    Just a note, despite this being set in the canon universe, I am happy to allow Legends/EU concepts in the RPG (i.e certain Jedi surviving Order 66 when they didn't in canon, certain Clones disobeying Order 66 etc).

    I'd also like your opinion on which of these three locations you would like the RPG to be set:

    1) Tythe - A formerly lush Outer Rim planet left a barren desert world by a large corporation
    2) Darkknell - An Outer Rim planet with extremely long days and nights due to its dying and weak Suns
    3) Rakata Prime/Lehon - A planet covered in tropical islands and oceans, littered with crashed vehicles from the times of the Old Republic
  20. Ranger Silver 6

    Ranger Silver 6 Bang Bang

    Jun 17, 2011
    Trophy Points:
    I say 3.