Several places. Barnes & Noble, Books a Million, and various gaming/comic book stores. They're by Wizards of the Coast. Only real complaint is they come randomly packaged, kinda like Heroclix. So you never know what pieces you're getting.
One of my older big sellers in my store. Like their D&D Minis, Wizards has a game centered around you creating a team of characters up to a certain point cost to battle an opponets team of equal cost. Usually the game is played to the last mini standing, but other games like capture the flag can also be played. Since the Minis are to scale, (for the most part) those who play the SW RPG also use the minis to represent their characters and the forces they have to interact with durring their game. And there is even a ship version of the game that is out of scale with the figures but close in scale to each other. (by class of course as the fighters are out of scale with the larger class of ships) This way, you can have the epic space battles for both games.
I saw these in a comics shop. Might get some of the ships to put in my desk... Are there any clone troops and such in this game?
Yeah there are. Though I honestly think clones are just... well... bland. When I play, I usually go pure Fringe, since they fit in just about any timeline. And they have the coolest looking pieces.
yup. Love all the detail they have Tempted to get a few of the vehicles, or maybe a few troopers, aggh there I go. Yeah I need to stay away from them
Have been playing this game for the past year, and it absolutely rocks. Have been playing D&D Minis for about 1 1/2 years. Basically Star Wars Minis took all of the lessons learned from the D&D Skirmish game, and made there game based on that experience. Ranged warfare, and melee warfare are just amazing. Jedi can wreck havoc amongst the fodder, and there usually an epic battle among Jedi, Sith, and or Bounty Hunters at some point. The game is very well balanced, and if two experienced people are playing the games are usually close and very tight. D&D Minis has just been revamped to a 2.0 version to correspond with the D&D 4.0 RPG stats. The game is now very fun and on par with Star Wars minis design. Both games are highly recommended to try out if you have a local hobby shop near you. Also if you have a group of friends, you can all go get a starter and boosters, and limit new boosters to one or month or so. Although its hard to fight the urge to hop on Ebay and get a Vader or a Boba. I have never heard of anyone playing Capture the Flag in a minis game. Especially Star Wars. Highly recommended if you are into miniatures. Oh, and the Star Wars Spaceship Battles game... SUCKS. Stay the hell away from it. Far Far Away. Just a weak cash grab by Wizards of the Coast. My friend and I played it a few times, and it put us to sleep.
The game's versatile enough to accomidate such play. When I play with friends, we use a terrain table and go by inches instead of squares. And usually battles are objective-based. Such as capturing a particular objective marker (the Han Solo in carbonite piece is perfect for that sorta thing) or securing stragetic points such as bridges and bases. -- Incidentally, I am confused about something. Dark Troopers. Basically in canon SW lore, they're advanced battle droids with the ability to think creatively in combat and a crap-ton of built-in weapons and gadgets. Heck, the big guy to the left in the picture below is classified as a droid on his stats card. BUUUUUUT... I recently got the little guy to the right in one of the newer Force Unleashed booster packs and he's called a Dark Trooper with completely different stats and isn't classified as a droid. That just boggles the mind... is this just a flub on WOTC's part, or is SW canon just that convoluted?
The smaller one technically should be called "Shadow Trooper" not Dark Trooper. Shadow Troopers were Stormtroopers in black armor. Dark Troopers, the larger of the two, were advanced battle droids.
I still play it and collect it. I have Full sets of Revenge of the Sith, Universe, Champions of the Force, and Bounty Hunters. I have most of Rebel Strom, Clone Strike, Allainces and Empires, and the latest one, Force Unleashed. Also in the collection is the Attack on Endor battleset and the AT-AT. I havent gotten around to getting the Assault on Echo Base set from Target (it has 2 exclusive minis to it). They just posted the 1st preview of Legacy of the Force (Shado Vao from the Legacy comics is the first nasty taste of the series)
Oh... blah. Legacy of the Force has bored me to tears thus far. They need to do pieces from the Legacy comics (the ones that take place 100 years after all known SW canon). I'd kill for a Darth Krayt miniature!
While not the best example of a mini game out there, the Spaceship Battles is not that bad. In fact, they filled a much needed roll for the RPG since the game really had nothing for Spaceship combat untill the set came out. Now a group can cause havoc on a world and then try to escape an Imperial blackade when they deside to move on to another world and actually dogfight with other fighters.