Stan Lee's Life Story Being Adapted as Period Action Movie Fox has acquired the rights to Lee’s life story, with plans to to adapt it as an action-adventure along the lines of “Kingsman: The Secret Service.” In the film, Lee will be a hero with an alter ego, much like his many Marvel creations. That is to say, Fox’s upcoming Stan Lee film won’t be a biopic; Lee’s role in the movie has been described as akin to “Roger Moore’s 007,” which implies plenty of action, one-liners and flirting with women. The film will take place in the 1970s. “Power Rangers” producers Marty Bowen and Wyck Godfrey are on board to produce this as-yet-unnamed Stan Lee action film. Well, I hope Jack Kirby appears in the film.
Ehhh... could go either way, hit or flop, Stan's hilarious just as a regular guy, so if they really camp it up, could be lots of fun.
Will he play himself? Seems to me that a lot of Stan's charm is due to his own winning personality. Will it be worth watching if someone else plays him?
I don't mind if they hold off on that until after he passes...hope that's quite a while from now. And that they can film a cameo for it well ahead of time.
Stan Lee: 12 Actors Who Should Play 'The Man' in His New Action Movie I'd like to see Jackman or Hanks up for the role. With Lee playing himself in a prologue/epilogue.