Looks like a decent little Ratchet. As others have said hopefully this doesn’t yellow right out of the box… On another note, funny how the cores always get leaked. Wonder what Hasbro’s aversion is to revealing them with their respective waves.
Cracking design, great headsculpt and neat use of symbols - if this is what the Core version looks like, I look forward to the Voyager version.
He looks to have pretty advanced engineering for a core class figure, I'm betting we're seeing a peek at the voyager Ironhide in the way he transforms
Wow, he looks great, classic Nissan minivan look! And we were just discussing the red cross thing with some friends, seems they solved it by using an X crossed with a vertical line instead, which is used for pharmacies in some places. And I guess this is really SS86, because he has those guns he used in the 1986 movie and nowhere else. (I still wonder why Prime sent his only medical officer on a standard energon delivery run). After SS86 Arcee, I expect Ironhide will just be a reissue of the Earthrise toy with some minor retool at most. Why would it? Modern TFs are far more resistant to yellowing. My Earthrise and Siege Prowl and Ratchet stood out in the open for more than a year without any yellowing happening.
I agree to an extent. Mine have held up just fine as well. But there are quite a few images of core Spikes who are yellowed on the shelves. Just hoping it doesn’t happen here is all.
There are BOTH happening. There are listing for Voyager and Core class Ironhides and Ratchets in SS86. (Not sure if both sizes for both characters, but at least one for each for character). As Target does not have the right to the mold (since Ratchet came out on Amazon and later on HasbroPulse as SG) there is no "X years" limit for the molds to be reissued unlike for Netflix VW Bee. I do suspect after SS86 Arcee though that they will do some mold alterations, but I cannot see a whole new mold made. We only have wave 1 here yet, so I cannot confirm or deny that. Maybe it is a problem due to no bubble being on the box?
There have been reports of Netflix Soundwave, SG Starscream, Siege Jetfire and others yellowing already. Hell, Core Spike, and Motormaster are yellowed out of the Box. More resistant to yellowing my butt.
Not exactly screen accurate, looks like it was more intended for Kingdom or legacy with the leg detailing. But I guess that was kind of the case with some of the initial SS86 figures, do they're probably just fitting them in where there's space.
I think the general consensus is that, at least in the states, because of shipping delays and the sort, the figures are “cooking” in the shipping containers and this prolonged heat exposure damages the plastic. Which in some cases shows right out of the box or speeds up the process.
This was fairly reliable info, right? Thought I was getting mixed up for a second, and this core-class figure was all we were getting. This figure doesn't look bad for its scale, but I'm still hoping for a definitive voyager Ratchet/Ironhide mold.
OMG I thought it was the Voyager for a moment and I was about to get so ranty, for a core it looks pretty dang good lol
He was still in a TV14 train of thought. "Ehhh if they get attacked by the Decepticons, they'll just get knocked around/out and I'll just hatch a clever plan and save the day like always." He certainly didn't expect his friends to be gunned down and domed point blank to their own heavy metal soundtrack. The alternative is Op was tired of Ironhide's mouthing off and sent him on that mission knowing full well Laserbeak was watching... But that's rather morbid so I go with the former.