how many issues did this run? i have 1-18, except 17, and was thinking about selling it, but not sure if i should try to finish getting issues i missed to sell as a complete series, but i dont know where it ended...did anyone read this?
I think 27 was a stand alone after Sins Remembered. Infact, I know it was. ha. And I thought the entire series was 'blah' and not very good.
so...its probably not worth it to finish? i dont remember most if it, so i dont even recall if i liked it....but whatever...not like i have much money anyways...
The last arc was not written by Jenkins. It was the Sins Remembered arc and it dealt with the aftermath of the Sins of the Past children of Gwen story from Amazing. It was okay. The series itself had a few good moments. The stand alone issue with the homeless villain was pretty nice IMO. I also liked the Disassembled arc.