Something I've often wondered about the whole Social Netowrking Site and Internet Friends thing. How can people you'll more than likely never meet or see in person say they are friends? In the end aren't we all just words on a screen?!? or..., 0' & 1's?!? I don't know. I mean sure we may see folks once in a blue moon or once a year, but how do people maintain those sorts of friendships? I always thought and was under the impression that any sort of long distance relationship was always doomed to fail. making online friends is kind of the same concept isn't it? Idk lol I'm bored right now and always am contemplating stuff like this. Thoughts or opinions?
Just keep up ideas with everyone else really, sort of like this site I don't know anyone, but still talk to them, sort of like how on twitter, but that really depends on who you follow, some people you can talk to some, but you get a lot of complete twats.
I've meet over twenty if not more local board members from this site. And even one's I haven't meet in person I consider to be good friends. Thank you TFW2005.
It's like a bigger fraternity or sorority. Advantages outweigh all the dumb stuff posted in the timeline. Yeah I rejoined.
Pretty much^ Like, I don't really seek out new people on Facebook, but I guess we kinda do that by default on forums like this one, and that's a form of social networking in itself.
I miss the good old days when people were actually on yahoo and you could meet chicks for honest frank discussions(read into the sarcasm there) Besides that, it is nice to meet new folks and peeps with similar interests, however this shit with facebook and fucking twitter is dumb as hell. I need to make a fake twitter feed and facebook and post pics of the shitter when I'm done dropping a thunder duece, I bet u $20 I get "followers" Maybe I can start a clan and call them "Dukies"
A buddy of mine met a girl playing Yahoo Pool & they were talking regularly for like 2 months before she ended up friendzoning his ass or something and shit went sour. Omegle's pretty funny, except I've yet to come across anyone who's not just a dumbass trying to impress (or pretending to be) a girl.
What's the primary point of any non-sexual relationship: being in close physical proximity to another person or communication and the sharing of thoughts, feelings and ideas with someone else?
Facebook for the most part is pretty lame.A good chunk of it is just people bragging about stuff that I don't care about,and then there are the people that feel the need to post what they're having for supper all the anyone gives a shit.
I have to agree. my first exposure to the social hype was the yahoo chatrooms. (ugh! what a nightmare) I thought heck, this thing myspace seems cool. startedc my own pretty successful transformers group there (it was called Transformers Robot Icons) then myspace died and so did the groups. then Facebook came to be. I figure meh newstart. didn'ttake it too serious at first. then started using it to promote myself and my company called Gaugespace Graphix. but...that too kinda died. now I just keep my facebook to support my wife's movie group. Twitter for all intents is pretty lame. though for professional business purposes I can see why it was created. now it's full of stupid kids talking about dumb things, just like the old myspace days. :/ I just try hard to use these things for what they were intended in their original design. However it's getting tough to do anymore because of the dummies posting dummy things. I now spend more time here than any other site. I do lurk on 4chan's /b/ but only for the sole purpose of laughing at the idiots who post there. if you can get past the cloned gore threads and the stupid cloned porn junk some of the stuff is pretty funny. (notice i said "some") I also lurk on /toy/ because some of the stuff is pretty interesting there. though most again is cloned topics.
Social networking also provides an opportunity to maintain and enhance communication in relationships that are not long-term or tangental.
I enjoy message boards to interact with new people with common interests, but I hate hate hate facebook. I rather pick up the phone or go out to dinner with those I know instead relying on facebook to keep in touch. I think people rely on facebook too much, I can recall specific incidents where person A asks person B if they saw what the other posted on facebook, if the person says no, one of them will log in from their phone to read said story. Uhh you are sitting face to face, tell the person your story! I know I am in the minority, but I can't stand facebook and won't use it. If I am not close enough to someone for them to pick up the phone and tell me about their life, then I really don't need to know or care about it.