Well, it was going to go to eBay, but I'd rather sell the stuff here. All of this stuff is loose, mint and complete unless noted otherwise. My eBay id is porkchop1978 if you want references. No prices are set in stone, if you see somthing you want but do not like the price, feel free to make an offer. Stuff I'm looking for. Zoids Shadow Fox (TRU Exclusive prefered) but will take the Japanese version Box Sets $20 Classic X-Men boxset (Toybiz) $20 Giant Size X-Men boxset (Toybiz) G.I. Joe $15 2002 Headquarters w/Rock N Roll $3 Sand Razor $5 Sand Razor MIB $3 Gung-Ho/Leatherneck MOC $5 Cobra Commander/Chameleon MOC $3 Cross Hair/Claws MOC $3 Gung-Ho/Zarana MOC $3 Battle Force 2000 Deejay $10 '86 Conquest with 2000 Conquest stickers no front canards (no Slipstream) $10 MIB A.W.E. Striker 2002 (has Pathfinder with it) $7 BF 2000 Dominator $7 BF 2000 Pulverizer $7 BF 2000 Skysweeper $5 S.L.A.M. LOTR Toybiz (all are original 1/2 moon packaging) TAKE IT ALL FOR $14 $6 FOTR Frodo and Samwise with boat $3 TTT Ringwraith $3 ROTK Eomer in ceremonial armor $3 ROTK Crossbow Uruk-Hai $3 ROTK Prologue Bilbo $3 ROTK Eowyn (Edoras) LOTR AOME Weapons and Warriors $12 Gondorian Catapult $12 Uruk-Hai Ballista MIB Deluxe Playsets $50 Helm's Deep (Has 2 Berseker Uruk-Hai) $30 Mordor Orc Seige Tower $40 Mordor Orc Seige Tower MIB $25 The Fellowship Collection $20 Ambush at Weathertop Exclusive Environments $12 Orthanc $15 Pelennor Fields $15 Shelob's Lair $12 The Battle at Khazad-Dum Transformers G1 $20 Dirge -probably c-8 condition, stickers are a little worn Botcon stuff $20 Botcon Sideswipe $40 Botcon Roulette and Shadow Striker Transformers RID TAKE IT ALL OF $120 (that includes the spychangers) $15 Optimus Prime $15 Wal-Mart (Yellow) Landfill $5 Skid-Z $5 Tow-Line $3 Prowl $3 Sideburn $3 X-Brawn $3 Super Prowl $3 Super Sideburn $3 Super X-Brawn $30 Scourge $20 Runination $30 Urban Camo Ruination $20 Desert Camo Runination $10 Sky-Byte $15 Megatron $15 Galvatron $1 for all Spychangers Crosswise Crosswise (KB Clear) Crosswise (KB Recolor) Daytonus Hoist Hot Shot Hot Shot (KB Clear) Hot Shot (KB Recolor) Ironhide Ironhide (KB Clear) Ironhide (KB Recolor) Ironhide (Tranformers: Universe) - Autobot Jazz - Autobot Special Operations Expert Mirage - Autobot Mirage (KB Clear) - Autobot Race Car Mirage (KB Recolor) - Autobot Race Car Optimus Prime - Autobot Leader Optimus Prime (RiD) - Autobot Optimus Prime (TF:U) - Autobot Prowl - Autobot Military Strategist Prowl (Transformers: Universe) - Autobot Prowl 2 - Autobot R.E.V. - Autobot R.E.V. (KB Clear) - Autobot Race Exertion Vehicle R.E.V. (KB Recolor) - Autobot Race Extertion Vehicle Scourge - Decepticon Side Burn - Autobot Side Swipe - Autobot Silverstreak (Spychanger) - Autobot Gunner Ultra Magnus - Autobot Ultra Magnus (TF:U) - Autobot W.A.R.S. - Autobot W.A.R.S. (KB Clear) - Autobot Wicked Attack Recon Sportscar W.A.R.S. (KB Recolor) - Autobot Wicked Attack Recon Vehicle Wheeljack - Autobot Mechanical Engineer X-Brawn - Autobot Transformers Armada TAKE IT ALL FOR $60 $10 Superpants Prime $10 Scavenger $10 Jetfire $10 Powerlinks Jetfire $10 Red Alert $3 Smokescreen $3 Hoist $3 Hot Shot $3 Cyclonus $3 Demolisher $3 Thrust $3 Sideswipe $3 Cheetor $2 Land Military Mini-Con Team $2 Night Attack Mini-Con Team $2 Street Speed Mini-Con Team $2 Adventure Mini-Con Team $2 Destruction Mini-Con Team Repaint $2 Race Mini-Con Team Transformers Energon TAKE IT ALL FOR $12 $8 Landmine $3 Ironhide $2 Starsaber $2 Strongarm $2 Offshoot Transformers Universe TAKE IT ALL FOR $35 $20 Target Dreadwind and Smokejumper $18 Micromaster Devestator $10 KB Bludgeon $8 King Atlas $8 Whirl XD Stuff (no figures or figures accessories) $10 Seal Jeep $6 Jeep with Tow rocket launcher $6 Jeep with M-60 $18 Patton Tank BBI Stuff $30 M1-A1 Abrahms Tank $20 LAV $15 Desert Hummer $15 Forest Hummer $10 Seal Dune Buggy $5 Special Ops Motorcycle