Interview by Spartan-117
Furman perfectly summed up the pros and cons of the live action film. Judging from that, it's no wonder he chose to give issues on Ratchet, Ironhide and Jazz.
That was a nice interview. His thoughts on the movie definitely echoed that of a lot of fans, which is good. My only gripe I ever had with him was his veiws on Grimlock- always way too glorified, as much as I actually do like Grimlocks character.
Awesome reading. I've mixed feelings about going back to the Thirteen - it will be nice to actually see them, but on the other hand, there's a sense of mystery in not knowing much about them. Of course it will be interesting to see how it all plays out and see how it all compares to my own ideas on how the Thirteen might have worked.
im going to be an outsider here..... but i, without a shadow of a doubt...think that simon is not that great of a writer...sure hes been in it since the begining....but i do think that hes taken some creative liberties far far to far.... i found the first 10 issues of dreamwaves ongoing series to be far more interesting to read then IDW line...when i knew that the next DW issue was comming out, i got goose bumps....when the sunstorm thing against omega was happening i think i read #4 like 5 times in a row...i dont get that Ever with IDW...not once -the latest beast wars was a rush job* and unfamailiar to the average joe* -devestation is dragging big time and the spot lights...while alot of them are good. alot of them are bad ( Sixshot leaves a bad taste in my mouth because of art and storey)( maybe when "the reapers"[ who ever they are]show some depth, i might change my mind ) while sure, i buy it and read it and look foreward to always makes me feel wantng ( not because i want the next issue to come out the next day) but because theres a *umph* thats missing . it could have been better ...and i mean that in writing and for the most part not the art( im gonna miss don big time ) ya sure i know theres the argument that " you couldnt make a comic book and you arn`t making this comic book now" ya ya ya i know ,i just wish there was a far more *push* behind the storey....and had a little more personality to each character rather then looking at each one in a cookie cutter way( with some exceptions to the rule) prime is prime, grimlock is grimlock those guys are standard....but they should have more depth then we`ve see thus far and with the money we`ve invested thus far....
I think you make some valid points - and you aren't a total hater, simply a discriminating consumer I agree, there is a lack of over-all energy in the "-ation" series, although I do love the way the Spotlights weave back & forth from the main storyline (when I learned that, I had to go back & get a couple I'd skipped, as the character (Nightbeat & Sixshot) I didn't give a hoot about. Versus DW-verse, I couldn't wait to get my hands on more. Like others, I am looking forward to more Twins; and I will echo the Furman-love for Grimlock being a bit excessive.
He has certainly toned it down in the IDWverse, though. We are two years in and Grimlock has only been in the Shockwave spotlight and been a character in the background of Megatron: Origin. This was a great interview.
I can definitely see the complaint about a lack of energy, but I believe that part of that is due to the size of the -ation universe. This war seems much bigger than we've seen in the past, and it's taken some time to set up all the pieces and relevant background info.