Just took me a few hours to work on him since he only has a few parts. Mixed a slightly dark metallic red (camera not picking it up). Was pretty happy with it but the clear coat made him more maroon than I wanted. Also went with grey and black limbs to make it look like the cartoon.
I thought testors enamel paint melted the plastic they use fro transformers. Or at least that's what I've heard.
I just used an old empty bottle. I actually used acrylic. Not sure about their enamels melting TFs though.
where did you read this, i'm curious and kinda hoping it wrong, since that the paint i been using for my figures
I read it off jin saotome's site. I think it might have only applied to softer plastics on standard action figures.
Jin's Basic Custom Figure Painting Guide Here's where I read it. Probably on whatever plastic they use for marvel legends. This is a pretty old site though, so I don't know if this information still holds up.
If you look at a MU or GI Joe arm for example, they are softer as they are cast around other harder plastic joints. Most TF parts aren't cast around others like this, so they are fine.