Wow. Hmm...Karma would have Nike pump these shoes out by the boatload just to fuck these bandits over on the resale value. The things people will do for something they see monetary value in. Sigh. If cow shit was worth millions per ounce, you'd have people killing each other over that too. No matter what we think, nothing of ours holds any value greater than a life, a soul, a truly irreplaceable and unique resource. And to try and take someone's life over something non-living, something common, which we can make in any amount, at any moment, for any price, in a matter of mere minutes, is worthless and foolish.
I recall seeing this question on a "Welcome to AP Chemistry. Not Tell Us What You Know" test that said, "What gives Gold it's value? It's monetary worth. Our belief that it's worth something of value. Bananas.