This is a What If? custom of mine and of all of the customs I have every done this one took the longest to finish. Every line was painted in by hand using a very small brush, every single cog was painted and every small detail inherent in this mold was highlighted via the colour scheme. I eventually sold him {complete with a customised box}. [the joints being left blue was my decision as regardless of which paint I tried it still rubbed off.] (Done using the colour scheme of the titanium 6" the fallen, instead of guarding time, this vector prime is tasked with destroying it.) sword
That is HELLA nice right there! Awesome panel-lining there with the orange. The only thing that makes a sad panda with this custom is the blue plastic in his joints. If you could dye those pieces black it'd be killer. ~Z Note: 1500th post - I had like six to go but you had to keep uploading figures that I felt obligated to comment about. Thanks for makin me type.
If the 6" titanium the Fallen wasn't so expensive I would have done a Shattered glass the fallen in Vector primes colour scheme. {I don't really like the ROTF the fallen all that much.}
makes me think of this guy for some reason just looking at the figure i am suddenly getting a huge star wars vibe right now Darkside anybody? seriously YouTube - Star Wars- The Imperial March (Darth Vader's Theme)
Nice deco. I like it. But Vector Prime and the Fallen are the same person in all continuties, but so was Alpha Trion and we know SG Alpha Trion is know CRAZY!!!!! So I'm not passing judgement just an FYI. I really like the custom.