cool! always love more sg stuff! and great choices. armada thrust's colors for sg thrust is a knockout choice
Let me guess on what their color schemes are based on... Starscream - Sky Garry Sunstorm - The Sunstorm repaint of Armada Thrust? Thundercracker - Action Master Ramjet - Armada/Universe Ramjet Thrust - Armada Thrust Dirge - BWII Dirge Skyfire - Dark Skyfire from Gentei!Gentei! Ionstorm - Red Wing? Novastorm - Loud Pedal? Hotlink - HFTD Dustorm Slipstream - Windblade? Black Death - G2 Sandstorm? Female Starscream - Jetfire Airachnid - Flamewar? The rest I don't know
you got some of them, what I forgot to mention however is that not all of them are based on acctual characters, some are just hue changes or inverted colors from my original piece
I wonder what the traits of the main 4 are. My hypothesis. Thundercracker: Modest Ramjet: Honest Sunstorm: Rival Skywarp: Brave