Hello there. I wish to repaint a TRU reissue of G1 Silverstreak into his former Diaclone Bluestreak. I'm still a rattle-can user, and I need to find a blue that will match the Diaclone blue as close as humanly possible. What color blue should I use for this project? And what other important details should I be aware of for converting Silverstreak into Bluestreak?
check out mine i did in the customs section, just search for him. i used testors but mine was brush applied. and as for other details just use your imagination! its a good toy and very easy to customise with very few rub spots or chance of chipping! have fun!
Okay, I found your's, but it's not the same mold that I want to use. I want to use the G1 mold. I plan on getting a few G1 Silverstreaks and repaint one into the Diaclone blue, and a custom red version. Need to know what's the best shade of blue in rattle-can form.
ah ok my bad didnt see the G1 - damn hangover! anyways id say go with testors or tamiya? i think they are widely available and cheap? the blue i used was testors metal flake blue over a black base coat
Black base coat? I use an awesome black primer called Armory Black Primer. Goes well over just about anything. Seems to me though that would make the blue too dark. I don't think the blue on the Diaclone figure is that dark, more like a nice medium blue?
yeah it did make it slightly dark but i thought it looked good. i use krylon camoflauge ultra flat black. if you used a silver base coat it would make the blue more medium
Heres Mine: http://www.tfw2005.com/boards/radicons-customs/256345-diaclone-bluestreak.html I used Rust-o-lium metallic sapphire blue. Ive never seen a diaclone BS but this color looks real similar