Hey guys I have the following things up for trade: Spawn: malbolgia sealed series 2 not mint I can get all of series 28 (censored versions) pirate spawn moc alien spawn 2 moc (regular version) jackal assasin dojo samurai spawn scorpion assasin Fanatastic four figs; clear invisible women moc semi clear/phasing invisible woman solid invisible woman Mls: variant angel moc angel moc angel loose variant logan moc beetle moc I can also get rest of ml10 Street fighter sota: white moc ryu with a little crack on the top of box transformers: blue alternator tracks moc loose and moc omega sentinel loose energon galvatron WANTSSSSSSS: MOC black adon MOC tan guile MOC yellow balrog MOC orange sagat MOC VARIANT wondermann MOC series 24 and 25 spawns with those huge guns (lol forgot the names) Please pm me if interested since threads like this tend to vanish really quickly.I have reference just ask in the pms...Thank