I really like Starscream, but there is something about his head that I have a hate/love feeling about..
Underwhelmed by Starscream. He just looks off, and the fact that his wings apparently don't actually form the swords is a massive disappointment. Scoop = why.jpg
I'm loving Scoop, but... When I look at that Starscream, I look over at the original Armada Starscream and just have to ask "Why?" The original is just a better toy.
Starscream looks good. Basically just Armada Starscream with articulation. Looks like the intake things can fold forward.
Except for basic articulation. Wow, I just realized what those things in his hands are. Why the hell wouldn't they make him more show-accurate and have the wing form a sword? Clearly the goal is a "perfect" Armada Starscream, so why would they make such a stupid decision? Scoop looks kind of horribly boring. How are these Generations toys so almost incredible?
Another reason to have Screamer bigger would've been so he could've had his Mini-con and the ability to use his wing as his sword. This guy is sadly very disappointing for me.
Scoop? A Generations homage to a second-year Targetmaster? Well, at least you can't say Hasbro isn't going for the deep cuts.
I may have to break my TransFormers buying hiatus for all these potential Wreckers! First Springer and Sandstorm, then Whirl and Scoop!
Dear Primus that Scoop! It's an updated, modern figure of G1 Scoop who looks awesome AND comes with articulate Holepunch and Tracer! HOLEPUNCH AND BLOODY TRACER HAVE NEW FIGURES!!! What... What sort of universe IS this? I'm actually kinda frightened. -ZacWilliam, and yeah Armada Starscream looks MUCH improved over the limited-articulation original too. (I'd LOVE an Armada Megaton with leg articulation.)
Slightly underwhelmed with Armada Starscream Such a promising character I'm worried he's not going to get the Classics treatment he deserves damn it!
I guess that's just the thing: Articulation has never been a deal-breaker for me. I display my stuff more than I play with it, so looks are usually more important to me than articulation. This deluxe Starscream just looks bad compared to the Armada one. I got the Universe Hot Shot so I could have a Hot Shot to shoe-horn into G1 (much as has been done with Lugnut and Lockdown). Since there is already a Starscream in G1, I have no reason to get this one. But that's just me.
The absolute only problem I have with him is that now I want Landfill and Quickmix to go with him... ...along with Nightbeat, Hosehead, Siren... ...and Needlenose, Quake, and Spinister... ...and Fangry, Horri-Bull, and Squeezeplay... ...and...DAMMIT.
I'm... extremely let down by Starscream... No wing blade... the head... This is truly the first time I've felt disappointed by Hasbro...
Gorgeous packaging! Scoop is great too! I'll wait for the Official Hasbro pics, before commenting on armada Starscream.
Yeah it's nice to get an updated Armada bot. Scoop is gorgeous and HUGELY unexpected... BUT... The best part of these figures... -ZacWilliam, can't believe they got new figures! Über Bureaucrat and Former Juvie Delinquent make an awesome team.