Hasbro Nordic has passed on an August 1st release date for the Animated and Universe toy lines. No info yet on case assortments or if the Animated show will air in the region. http://www.ntfa.net/ntfa/index.php
I'm curious about the reasoning behind this. Maybe the movie toys aren't selling as well here are as they are overseas, so they've decided to not bother with the Allspark line here and release the Animated and Universe while everyone else gets Allsparks?
Or the UK release date is a mistake. The Scandinavian date seems more logical to me considering what we know about a U.S. release. -airfox
Well, Hasbro Nordic told me (I'm the one posting the news on NTFA to begin with) that they had an earlier date ready, but the toys couldn't be supplied to all retailers at that date (June? July? I forget). So August 1 is a definite "at the latest".
That sounds like the same "saturation date" scenario that we typically have seen here in the US. Thanks for the clarification.
I tend to think that at Botcon, attendants "might" see animated figures for sales at regular price...
Hello Martin ! Its me, DkConvoy ! muhahaha ! ... Well ... it dosn't really matter for me, the release date for the figures in the nordics, cause im gonna buy all of them when BigBadToyStore gets em Eviiiiiil
Erm... why does the frontpage credit say "Credit: nfta.net of the 2005 Boards!"? There's no such user as "ntfa.net". If anything, it should say "Credit: Fighbird of the NTFA.net board" or "Credit: the NTFA.net boards" or even just "Credit: Hasbro Nordic".
Sorry, it's a programming bug in the new news system. I'll esclatate this to the top guys and we'll get it corrected. Thanks for the heads up.
Ah, figured as much (and just discovered the section for bug mentioning 2 seconds earlier; long live n00bs! ).
I think since UK gets ´m in april while USA and Scandinavia get them in august,that the news about the UK release is going to be an april-fools joke. Not even as much as a testshot has appeared on ebay yet.