I found RTS Starscream yesterday (along with Gold Bumblebee and Megatron) at a store called Smart Toys in Cambridge, MA, so I went ahead and picked him up ($6.99 before tax, black headed, no weapons). I noticed his hands were stuck in a kung-fu like grip, and was wondering if he could hold any weapons with them, like C-joints or something (I couldn't find a mention of it on the Wiki). Thanks
I... don't think so. I don't know with Starscream specifically, but I've got RTS Trailbreaker & GDO Hoist and Hoist's gun doesn't really stay put if you try to put it in Trailbreaker's hands. The GDO's are retooled a bit so that the hands can hold weapons with 3mm(?) pegs.
Have you tried putting weapons on? This doesn't really help, but the RTS Legends Optimus can hold Cyclonus' Nightstick, not a perfect grip, but strong enough for Optimus to hold out his arm, and not have it flop back down, nor topple over. (I don't have RTS Starscream on my desk to try, sorry)
I have both the RTS Starscream and the Dollar General/Big Lots Generations remold (which I will refer to as DG). RTS Starscream can not hold DG Starscream's nullrays. Both DG Starscream and DG Prime were remolded to hold the new Legion Class weapons as were GDO Hoist and Bluestreak. You may be able to find the Generations remolds at Big Lots for $5 or Dollar General for $6. Maybe you will luck up and find one with good paint too as a lot of the ones I have seen have been bad (I have 2 each of DG Starscream and Prime because of this).
Thanks for the responses everyone (and sorry for the late bump; I sort of forgot I had made this thread >_> ). I've tried some of the weapons from older lines - from G1 all the way to Classics and DoTM - and so far nothing works there. Even Minicons are too heavy and/or lack the right posts to fit him. Sadly, I have neither a DG nor a BL around, at least not within easily accessible means (basically either walking or via public transportation). A shame, really, because I was digging the extra weapons those versions brought.