Anyone know how much this is going to cost my fiance? Is the price going be comparable to classics Devastator? Also I was wondering if I should leave Universe Silverbolt out w/ him. It just seems wrong to have Silverbolt standing slightly larger than Superion...
I'm gonna use Silverbolt as the Aerialbot Commander. Call the main body of Superion Stormjet. Kinda how Scourge was in RID
Can't remember where it was but, IIRC, Hasbro's said that the store exclusives (Superion, Bruticus, Skywarp, Ramjet) should be out the week that the first wave of RotF figures are released. So, end of this month.
Sorry if I can't read. Superion is a Target exclusive? I missed out on the Energon set -I guess I need the Fans Project parts now!
sad thing is im a be paying more for his arms and legs than i will be for his body. still worth it though.
44.99 + shipping? My fiance just told me she doesn't take "It makes it look freaking awesome!" as a justification for paying that much for hands and feet. Looks like I'm getting plain old Superion. Oh well, at least he won't look better than my Devastator.