i watched a few reviews of Mixmaster after getting my own, as i coulnt get the cab to peg into his back. i examined the instructions, the toy, and the reviews and realized-theres a piece upside down! sadly i dont have pictures, but i can say almost certainly that the cab is that upside down piece. when looking at the long pieve that connects to the cab from the robot himself, i noticed that the joint that bends bends the wrong direction. now that can be easily fixed by spinning the piece, but now the cab is upside down, so im again stuck. i think the easy fix would be to hammer out the pin in the joint that connects the bumper to the piece that connects to the cab, flip the cab, then hammer it back in. does anyone else have this issue, or is it just mine and the ones in the reviews? if in vehicle mode, look at the bottom-if you can see the bending part of the joint, and not the little rectangles, then yours is upside down as well.
also, since i want to try and flip it to see if it helps-how do i get the pin out? and if i get it out, how do i get it back in, and will it fall out? new to that.
yeah i have the same issue too, its during the battle mode transformation. it's just weird. for the pin, i'm not even willing to mess with that. i have a feeling with enough force that whole plastic bar will snap.
in robot mode? for me i have the whole bar straight and bent at the cab towards the lil hole on the cannon. it takes a bit, but u can kinda fit the pin in the cab snugly into the pin. i tried variations with the bits bent and what not, but it's easier with it straight. some pics:
U guys do know there is a piece inside the cab u flip out that pegs in the back. It's inside on the top of the cab.
I've got he same problem I noticed it Sunday when I figured I give his cannon mode a try and I notice his cab wasn't working the way the instructions showed, at first I though it was just crappy Hasbro instructions but then I noticed the instruction had the joint assembled a different way, so I just put him back into robot mode and placed him on my shelf.
yeah i stopped caring lol. yeah deceptigtar, i know about the peg. if you look in my second pic u can see the peg (the gray blue) near the cannon. it's not pegged in all the way, i left it out partially.
It's discussed extensively in the thread for that toy in the Feedback Forum, but yeah, that one joint is incorrect on every copy of the figure.
I fixed it! It's like a new figure! Also, the sets of wheels that are attached to the arms go in holes on the bottom of the cab in "Battle Mode". It is not in the instructions and is impossible without fixing Mixmaster's assembly error.
I thought it was just me. Oh well. Wonder if they'll fix it for the G1 repaint? Not that that would be enough for me to spring for it.
looks like i have a bigger problem i just looked at my mixmaster and just noticed that he doesn't have a knee on his left side fml i threw away the box last night
I have the same problem (although it sounds like everyone does). Never turned mine into it's battlemode. Doesn't really cause an issue in bot mode so I haven't bothered with fixing it.