BUSTED! or is he?? In the article, the trainer claims to be in the possession of syringes, bloody needles (intermingled with blood and HGH/Steroids) and gauze, making a liar out of Clemmens and his denial of charges in the Mitchel report that he had used those performance enhancers. Although using it in the past was not a crime (except to Hall of Fame voters and public opinion) , LYING about it under oath IS. However, I do not believe that any of this 'evidence' proves anything other than the bare facts that Clemmons WAS injected at some time - perhaps not even by the trainer!... I inject YOU with your regular B12 Vitamins but keep the bloody syringe and gauze...why? possible leverage in the future? Brian McNamee was a known drug peddler and influence panderer. What better insurance policy than have a future hall of famer implicated in your seamy deeds? Absolutely unacceptable. - TFW2005 Staff
I really like all the different ways you spell his name. And your bottom paragraph trying to troll again?
I don't like the last paragraph. Regardless of the circumstances surrounding the use of steroids and denying the fact it was used, punishment should be implemented. Anyone caught lying under oath regardless of race or whatever should be equally punished, including having their potential hall of fame status stripped. The MLB should be taking a strict stance against the use of steroids, just as they done with gambling.
Clemens got caught. And he did the worse thing you can do... Lie to the government. Just like Martha Stewart and Scooter Libby who were never actually convicted of doing anything, they were caught lying about things and BLAMMO convicted for lying. Same thing for Clemens. Talking to the government under oath is scary because you question someone enough times about something chances are they WILL purger themselves simply by being human and making mistakes even if innocent. If they want to *get* you, they will. Like a husband waking up next to his murdered wife... He is going to jail regardless the situation.
Yeah, but who else in the world goes to jail and the day they are released make 6 figures the moment they step off their private jet? Martha did just that. if i could lie to my government (no, i wasn't being greedy, senator....) and go to Camp Whatchamacallit for 6 months and then watch my net worth actually go up as i ride home....i'd be a frequent flyer to D.C, That's the problem. from Lohan to Sosa...there are no consequences, no price to pay for what they do. They still have money. they will still be going to the Hall of Fame* (yeah, like that, i hope) and their careers are over, so what is there left for them to prove or have to prove? now, if it was an epidemic of pitchers playing with woodchippers...and finally one of these Hall of Fame* guys lost an arm in one...maybe they'd convert and preach the gospel of not doing it. it is all so terrifying to me. these people just don't care. Pete Rose, the hardest working man in Baseball got hit where it hurts for betting on games. He may never in his lifetime see the Hall of Fame (no asterisk for a reason.) what he did may be crude, but his actions never DIRECTLY influenced the game like Steroids or HGH or lying to the whoe industry/game. all he ever did was say, "IMHO, I got 2 grand that says Philly can take Atlanta Saturday." it isn't like he paid 2 grand to the catcher to throw the game. or paid the batter 2 grand to go all HULK on everybody. which is a damned shame. i am just waiting for a NASCAR driver to get caught with booze in his system when he drives....and still gets into their Hall of Fame*
i find it highly suspect that mcnamee kept bloody gauze and syringes for seven years on the off chance clemens turned on him. how does anyone know this stuff is truly seven year old evidence that hasn't been tampered with at all..... not a clemens fan, just playing devil's advocate since pretty much everyone has already found him guilty
Nah man, that dude was only like 12, also he couldn't spell. I find it wierd that people in this day and age need to do stuff like this so they have 'insurance' against anyone else trying to take them down. Thats low.
You can bet that for every audit that I'm involved in I have a sizable CYA (Cover Your Ass) file. I ain't taking the fall for anyone. Granted it doesn't involve syringes and blood, but you get the idea.
Damn, the trainer was prescient for hanging on to those. After he injected Clemens w/ the 'roids, he musta been consuming THE SPICE.
When my dad was doing his intern hours, he used to send memos to himself about anything shady. He figured he wasn't signing off on anything, so no big deal, but better safe than sorry. Probably not a bad idea nowadays.
It sounds like the government had this 'information' and 'samples' so they let Clemens make contrary statements to hang himself intentionally. I think politicians want to be known as 'the guy who cleaned up baseball' which means making an example out of someone. Much the way Pete Rose is the eternal whipping boy for sports gambling, they want to turn Rodger Clemens into the unholy representation of steroid use and send a message "if you use and lie about it, the government is sending you to "pound you in the ass" prison. Not saying I agree, but that is how it appears to me.