Example: Overload Groundpounder Clampdown(if possible) Springload Terrashock Filch Hammerstrike Underbite Sicamore Stockade Glowstrike Saberhorn Crazybolt (with one-step changer slicedice) Kickback Skunkions and Maldor Razorpaw Polarclaw Mr Fancyclaws Scowl
I think this belongs in toy discussion. You should talk to the mods or they will probably move it for you
Stockade, Glowstrike, Saberhorn, Filch and legends Slicedice. Shop Chop i dont know how they could do him, Underbite should be a Generations Sky Lynx retool or something.
Where to begin! Groundpounder Simacore Springload Underbite Overload Terrashock Ped Scowl Polarclaw Razorpaw Vertrebreak Malador Stockade Micronus Prime All in the Warrior size
my big 3 would be 1) Kickback 2) Saberhorn 3) Scowl on top of that I'd love to get warriors of Glowstrike Razorpaw Zizza Groundpounder Ped Beyond that, the more the merrier. but I want those top three most of all.