Roadburn and AP101

Discussion in 'Transformers Fan Fiction' started by AndreaPrime101, Oct 17, 2011.

  1. Jazzfan0217

    Jazzfan0217 Resident couch potato

    Nov 20, 2011
    Trophy Points:
    uh oh dis ain't good.
    plese continue :popcorn 
  2. SavageThunder

    SavageThunder Stalking the Shadows...

    Oct 14, 2011
    Trophy Points:
    Somewhere on Namek at this point
    :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn  more please:drool: 
  3. AndreaPrime101

    AndreaPrime101 AP101

    Aug 15, 2010
    Trophy Points:
    Huge Problems Pt. 4

    AP101 was shaking in her position as Megatron walked up to Starscream, and the shaking loosened her chains that were holding her, making the girl notice and keep shaking. "Starscream, after trying to betray me, you decide to have a change of spark and revive me?" Megatron asked with a dark tone. "Why yes, Lord Megatron, the Decepticons are getting nowhere under my command and deserve a leader far more suitable than me." Starscream said. Megatron narrowed his eyes at Starscream, which made the latter stutter a little, then looked at Soundwave for the truth. "Soundwave, is there anything true about what Starscream said?" Megatron asked, and Soundwave nodded. "And what would that be?" Megatron asked. "The Decepticons are getting nowhere under my command and deserve a leader far more suitable than me." Soundwave played back. "Very well," Megatron said. "Lord Megatron," Knockout said, getting the Decepticon leader's attention. "It is a miracle that you were able to heal, but I have something that would interest you," Knockout said. Megatron looked at him expectantly, and Knockout pulled the chains up, but found no AP101 tied to the end. "A chain?" Megatron asked. "No, there was a human on the end of it who is allied with the Autobots." Knockout said. "And why would a little human interest me?" Megatron asked. "Because she was entrusted with the location of the Autobot base and maybe even the AllSpark." Knockout said. "Really?" Megatron asked dubiously. AP101 was hiding in the shadows of the sick bay, then when Breakdown entered the room, she rushed out of the sick bay and into a long corridor. "I have to find a way out of here!" AP101 said, and continued to run.

    Roadburn, Wildfrost, Bumblebee, and Jazz were in a group following Skyfire's signal when they found the Decepticon ship hovering overhead with Eradicons on sentry duty on the ground. "Skyfire, this Ground Team One: We found the ship, but we can't get past the Eradicons without getting caught." Roadburn said. "What about Ground Teams Two, Three, and Four?" Skyfire asked. "Team Four is arriving via C-17 while Teams Two and Three are arriving by ground." Roadburn said. "Guess I'll have to see what I can do in the meantime then," Skyfire said. "No. We wait for Team Four, Optimus's orders." Jazz said. "But Roadburn's little human side-kick can't face the Decepticons in their own ship alone!" Skyfire said. "Then what do you suggest we do?" Bumblebee asked. "Skyfire, this is Team Four: We are coming into view of the Decepticon ship. Do you see us?" Optimus said. Skyfire turned and found the C-17 coming and said, "I see you." "Good. Now, on my signal, Team One, you'll distract the sentry guards while we infiltrate the ship. Teams Two and Three will aid you." Optimus said. "Will do, Optimus," Wildfrost said. Teams Two and Three arrived shortly after the communication, then when the teams were in position, Optimus gave them the signal and the teams started to attack.

    Soundwave picked up battle activity and showed it to the Decepticons, surprising them a little. "The Autobots!" Megatron growled. "I shall send more reinforcements, Lord Megatron," Starscream said. "No. You will go out there and take care of those Autobots like a Decepticon," Megatron said, and Starscream, Knockout, and Breakdown headed for the door. AP101 kept running down corridors, still looking for a way out of the ship when she heard Decepticons coming her way and hid, easily avoiding her captors in the shadows, then came out of the shadows after the coast was clear. Or so it had seemed, for AP101 soon ran into Soundwave's foot and landed in a sitting position on the ground. "Ow!" AP101 yelped, and looked to see Soundwave and said, "Ah scrap!" Soundwave picked the girl up and started to walk away with her, taking the girl to the brig and tying her up, then Megatron came in after Soundwave was done. "Well, Knockout did have a human onboard," Megatron said. AP101 didn't say anything and struggled in her chains, but soon got tired and hung like a sack of potatoes. "If you want to escape, I'm afraid there's no hope in trying to." Megatron said. AP101 still kept quiet, and Megatron narrowed his eyes at her. "Resilience, something that most humans have, but let's see how much you have," Megatron said, then looked at Soundwave. Soundwave pulled out an Energon prod and powered it up, then laid the shocking end on AP101's arm, shocking her and making the girl scream. Megatron found it amusing, but made Soundwave stop anyway, making AP101 breathe heavily to catch a break. "Knockout said you know where the Autobot base is located, if you do, tell me where it is." Megatron asked. AP101 refused to tell him, then the group heard fighting.

    Optimus blasted down the door, having heard AP101's screams, and Ironhide and Arcee joined him. "Prime!" Megatron said. "Megatron," Optimus said, and the two leaders started to fight. Ironhide started to brawl with Soundwave as Arcee freed AP101 from the chains, then she ran out of the room to get AP101 to Ratchet outside. Ironhide and Optimus soon started to run, but Megatron chased after them, not finished fighting with Optimus. "Ironhide, go!" Optimus said, and Ironhide continued as Optimus stopped to face Megatron again. "This time, Prime, you are the one who will be in stasis!" Megatron said, and they brawled for a short time before Optimus received an exit with Skyfire's help. "Need a lift?" Skyfire asked, and Optimus jumped aboard him. The Autobots fled, having done what they had come to do, leaving the Decepticons at the mercy of Megatron for letting them in the ship. At the Autobot base, AP101 woke up in the medical center of the base with Roadburn, Wildfrost, and T+C waiting for her to wake up. "AP101!" Roadburn said. "Roadburn?" AP101 asked. "Thank God, you're alive!" T+C said. "Guess I was lucky," AP101 said. "Yeah, but now we all aren't so lucky that Megatron's alive now." Roadburn said. "That I understand," AP101 said. "Don't worry. If he was defeated before, we can defeat him again, it'll just take time." Wildfrost said, and everyone had to agree with him.
  4. Lock Cade

    Lock Cade Tarn Fangirl

    Nov 16, 2006
    Trophy Points:
    Phew... you're saved. :popcorn 
  5. SavageThunder

    SavageThunder Stalking the Shadows...

    Oct 14, 2011
    Trophy Points:
    Somewhere on Namek at this point
    whoo doggies! she alive! *speaking like a complete hillbilly:D *
  6. Jazzfan0217

    Jazzfan0217 Resident couch potato

    Nov 20, 2011
    Trophy Points:
    the Autobots came to your rescue YAY !!! aw and Jazz was in this one :D  !!!
  7. AndreaPrime101

    AndreaPrime101 AP101

    Aug 15, 2010
    Trophy Points:
    A Friend In Need Pt. 1

    Now with Megatron revived, Roadburn never left AP101 and her family out of his sight for one second if any family member left the house, and while walking to school, AP101 kept a look out for any Decepticons, even as the holidays passed and the new year began. Over the time, AP101 met and became friends with a sophomore named Kaitlin, and hung out with her and her friends whenever they could be together in school. Knockout found out about this small friendship when he was doing a recon check on AP101 when she was in school on the west side of the building, scanning the school and hacking into AP101's school e-mail. One day during school, Kaitlin was with AP101 at lunch when the former asked, "How do you get to school?" AP101 looked at her and said, "Can you repeat that, please? It's always loud in the Commons at lunch." "How do you get to school?" Kaitlin repeated louder. "I walk," AP101 said. "You walk? In this kind of weather?" Kaitlin asked with disbelief. "Yeah. My brother can't get up early enough to give me a ride." AP101 said. "Well, where do you live?" Kaitlin asked. "A little over two blocks away from the school on VanDemark. I know because I live one block away from the pool here in town." AP101 said. "Well, how about a ride home after school today? I'm not letting a friend of mine walk in the cold like this!" Kaitlin said. "Well, um..." AP101 said. "Come on, you can direct me to your house on the way." Kaitlin said. "All right, but I will have play practice after school." AP101 said. "All right!" Kaitlin said, and before they could get to another subject, the bell rung to end 2nd lunch and dismiss the whole area back to class.

    After Kaitlin gave her the ride and left, Roadburn decided to talk to AP101 about her. "Who is she?" Roadburn asked. "That's Kaitlin, my friend from school. We have Creative Writing, Chorus, and 2nd Lunch together." AP101 said. "You didn't tell her about us? The real us?" Roadburn asked. "I have, but I did say that it was fictional, not really real." AP101 said. "And she believed you?" Roadburn asked. "Yep. I told her I did a lot of creative writing of my own, so she believed what I said to be the creative writing I do." AP101 said. "Let's just hope that the Decepticons don't know anything about this friendship. Because with one wrong move, friendships can turn deadly." Roadburn said. "So true," Knockout thought to himself, having heard the whole conversation at the corner of the street, then set out to look for Kaitlin's car to find where the girl lived.

    The next day, Kaitlin picked AP101 up from her house after getting directions again, and they talked as they made their way to school. "So what were the packages on your porch? They weren't bombs, were they?" Kaitlin asked jokingly. AP101 had to laugh, then said, "No, they were my brother's bowling ball and my new Transformers figure, Prime Arcee." AP101 said, showing Kaitlin the figure. "Awesome!" Kaitlin said. "Thanks." AP101 said. Spy Shot managed to sneak into AP101's bag overnight and was in her very top pocket when AP101 opened it to put her figure in it, and the girl saw the little Transformer, but hid her surprise so Kaitlin wouldn't know as well. When they got to school, Kaitlin walked around the school with two other friends, and the other two friends were working at the Smoothie Bar for a Transitions class when AP101 pulled out Spy Shot and set him on the table. "I'm guessing Roadburn?" AP101 whispered to him. "That, and I wanted to see your friend. And I have to say, she's cool." Spy Shot said. "Well, don't be caught in her sight, alright? And don't get caught by the teachers or you'll be taken and put in their desks." AP101 said. "Hey, if I avoided anything on Homecoming, then I can avoid anything today." Spy Shot said, then snuck back into AP101's bag before the first bell rang for class.

    After school that very day, Kaitlin gave AP101 another ride home, following AP101's brother, then AP101 had to venture out around 4:30 p.m. to find her sisters since they didn't come home right away, being stern with the two little girls for not telling her or her brother where they'd be first, then remembered that she had something in the library that she requested a week earlier and ventured out again to pick it up. Knockout followed, hiding his signal and using a different route to the school. AP101 picked up her item, being a DVD called "Memoirs of a Geisha" since she had listened to the audiobook and did a book report on it for a World History I Semester Project, and left the library, using the same route she took to get to the library. When she was out of sight from the library windows, Knockout came up to AP101 and transformed, scaring the girl immensely. "Knockout!!!" AP101 said, nearly shrieking, and Knockout grabbed her by her coat. "I know about your friendship with this certain sophomore that's in three same time periods that you are during school," Knockout said with a cool tone. AP101 stuttered, then Knockout asked, "Where does she live?" "I don't know!" AP101 said. "I think you do, AndreaPrime101," Knockout said. "I don't! All I know is that she lives here in Hartford! It's the truth!" AP101 said, then she was thrown to the ground, luckily hitting the grass. AP101 yelped like a pup that had been accidentally dropped from a house porch that was three steps high, then Knockout thought for a moment before smiling and saying to the girl, "If you don't know about her location, then I guess it's a race to find out now, isn't it?" AP101 was searching for air to breath between small gasps, then Knockout made her look at him and he said, "The race for your friend starts now," then he transformed and drove away. AP101's eyes had formed tears, then AP101 started to cry, her head buried in grass and her arms.
  8. Jazzfan0217

    Jazzfan0217 Resident couch potato

    Nov 20, 2011
    Trophy Points:
    decepticons, always causing trouble. please continue :popcorn 
  9. Lock Cade

    Lock Cade Tarn Fangirl

    Nov 16, 2006
    Trophy Points:
    Oh no!

  10. Fisitronus

    Fisitronus Wrecker

    Jan 10, 2012
    Trophy Points:
    :popcorn  Great stuff! first fanfic I've read and its looking awesome! Keep it up! :popcorn 
  11. Fisitronus

    Fisitronus Wrecker

    Jan 10, 2012
    Trophy Points:
    whens the next chapter coming, I'm sooo excited!
  12. AndreaPrime101

    AndreaPrime101 AP101

    Aug 15, 2010
    Trophy Points:
    Just wait, dude. I'm currently having a writer's block with this story right now.
  13. Fisitronus

    Fisitronus Wrecker

    Jan 10, 2012
    Trophy Points:
    lol ok! Im waiting! :) 
  14. Maroyasha

    Maroyasha IOU A Title

    Sep 19, 2011
    News Credits:
    Trophy Points:
    i'm only at the fourth part right now but i am hooked.:popcorn 
  15. AndreaPrime101

    AndreaPrime101 AP101

    Aug 15, 2010
    Trophy Points:
    A Friend In Need Pt. 2

    Roadburn was parked in his usual spot when he saw AP101 running toward home with thin streaks on her face and figured that she had been crying, then transformed and met up with her. "AP101, what happened?" Roadburn asked. "Kaitlin's in trouble!" AP101 said. "What? How?" Roadburn asked. "Knockout found out that we're friends and now he's trying to hunt her down!" AP101 said. "How did he find out?" Roadburn asked. "I don't know, but we have to keep her safe!" AP101 said. "All right," Roadburn said, then contacted Bumblebee and said, "Hey Bumblebee, you still in Hartford?" "Yeah, why?" Bumblebee asked. "I need you to look after a friend of AP101's, Knockout decided to target her." Roadburn said. "Will do, Roadburn, I've seen what her car looks like, so you can count on me." Bumblebee said. "Good. Keep Kaitlin in your sights and don't leave her at any cost." Roadburn said. "Sure thing," Bumblebee said, and the Autobot drove off to his new assignment as Roadburn got AP101 home.

    In the middle of January and after receiving a good amount of snow, Knockout didn't bother to strike, and AP101 got suspicious to this since he told her that Kaitlin's safety was in jeopardy. "Knockout, what are you planning?" AP101 whispered to herself during third lunch since the school day was a blue day, then wondered about this through the rest of the day. After school, Bumblebee followed Kaitlin home again, but Kaitlin was starting to get a little suspicious about him and walked up to the yellow Autobot after getting out of her car. "Okay you, why are you stalking me?" Kaitlin asked. Bumblebee didn't answer and tried to leave, but he spotted a navy-blue Jeep heading toward them and stayed parked. "Creepy," Kaitlin said, then turned to go into her house, but stopped when she heard transforming behind her. "What the heck is that?" Kaitlin asked, then turned to see Breakdown in robot form on the snow covered street. "Oh my God!!!" Kaitlin exclaimed. "You'll be thinking that after you see more of my team," Breakdown said, and reached down to grab the girl, but Bumblebee transformed and punched Breakdown away. "Leave her alone!" Bumblebee told him. "Bumblebee?!" Kaitlin asked. "You'll pay for that, runt!" Breakdown said, then a fight ensued.

    Kaitlin was flabbergasted about Breakdown and Bumblebee that she called AP101 immediately. AP101 was walking home with her sisters when she got the call and answered. "Hey Kaitlin, what's up?" AP101 asked. "Andrea, you won't believe this, but Bumblebee is real!" Kaitlin said. "WHAT?!" AP101 exclaimed, stopping on the sidewalk in front of her house and in front of Roadburn. "What's wrong?" one of AP101's sisters asked. "Go inside, both of you, and don't leave the house until Winston comes home." AP101 told them, and the two young girls ran inside. "What's going on right now, Kaitlin?" AP101 asked. "Bumblebee's fighting off a blue Transformer with a red face and yellow eyes." Kaitlin said. "Who's winning?" AP101 asked. "The blue Transformer." Kaitlin said. "Get to safety, I'm coming over," AP101 said, and hung up before Kaitlin could ask why. "Roadburn! Bumblebee's in trouble!" AP101 said. "Get in!" Roadburn said. AP101 opened the door on the driver's side, but found an orange slip on Roadburn's windshield and pulled it off, finding it was a parking ticket for not getting Roadburn off the street for snow plows. "We'll deal with this later," AP101 said, then stuffed the slip into a pocket, got in Roadburn, and they both hurried to Kaitlin's house.

    Kaitlin was on her porch when Breakdown punched Bumblebee down again, then Breakdown was going for Kaitlin again when Roadburn and AP101 showed, the Autobot revving his engine to signal his presence. Breakdown looked and said, "Oh great, another Autobot." "Not just another Autobot!" Roadburn said, then transformed after AP101 got out and started to fight with Breakdown. "Andrea?! You're truck's a Transformer?!" Kaitlin asked as AP101 ran up to her. "Yeah, long story about that." AP101 said. Roadburn was able to give Breakdown some good beatings, then Bumblebee rejoined the battle until Breakdown transformed and fled. "Coward," Bumblebee said, then the two Autobots made sure the girls were okay. "You two all right?" Roadburn asked. "Yeah." AP101 said. "I can't believe that Transformers are real now!" Kaitlin said. "Yeah. Kaitlin, this is Roadburn and Bumblebee, the Autobots that are here with a team fighting off the Decepticons, and tensions have increased since Megatron was revived a while ago in December." AP101 said. "When did that happen?" Kaitlin asked. "Ironically before my 17th birthday." AP101 said. "Wow," Kaitlin said. "But what are we going to do now? The Decepticons will come back for Kaitlin." Bumblebee said. "Which is why I put you on guard duty over Kaitlin." Roadburn said. "Wait, Bumblebee's my guardian now?" Kaitlin asked. "He is now, why?" Roadburn said. "Because I had a dream where Bumblebee's my protector and that I had to face a Decepticon alone because he wasn't around and that I defeated the Decepticon with a stick." Kaitlin said. Bumblebee and Roadburn looked at each other, then the two started to snicker. "I know, it's funny but the Decepticon was the size of a human and I beat it with a stick." Kaitlin said. "I'll make sure that if that becomes reality, you're stick will be something you can actually use to fend off a Decepticon." Bumblebee said. "Cool! And you better not ditch me." Kaitlin said. "I can't since you're a Decepticon target now." Bumblebee said. "Sweet." Kaitlin said. "Welcome to the Autobot Secret Service." AP101 said.
  16. Lock Cade

    Lock Cade Tarn Fangirl

    Nov 16, 2006
    Trophy Points:
    Phew, Kaitlin's been saved. And yay, Bumblebee gets to be her guardian, just like in her dreams!
  17. Jazzfan0217

    Jazzfan0217 Resident couch potato

    Nov 20, 2011
    Trophy Points:
    awesome !!! really liking this :thumb 

    please continue :popcorn  !!!
  18. Fisitronus

    Fisitronus Wrecker

    Jan 10, 2012
    Trophy Points:
  19. AndreaPrime101

    AndreaPrime101 AP101

    Aug 15, 2010
    Trophy Points:
    Yeah, that's not the end to this story...

    A Friend In Need Pt. 3

    AP101 helped Kaitlin get used to Decepticon attacks and having an Autobot watching over her, and Bumblebee assigned a cell phone named Speed Dial 800 to be Kaitlin's little partner. "Yo, Spy!" Speed Dial said when he saw Spy Shot. "Speed! How's it going?" Spy Shot asked. "Going good," Speed Dial said, then looked at AP101 and said, "I didn't know you were assigned to a hot chick." AP101 thunked Speed Dial on the head, and he backed away as he said, "Ow." "I'm not hot, and I'm not a chick." AP101 said. "Why not?" Kaitlin asked. "I just don't like being called that. It bothers me since I have other guys that like to bother me and treat me like crap." AP101 said. "And how do they do that?" Speed Dial asked. "They blame me for things I didn't do in classes or in the halls." AP101 said. Soon a boy named Brian came after Speed Dial and Spy Shot transformed, then he said, "Hey Andrea." "Go away," AP101 told him. "Aw come on," Brian said. "I mean it, and I hate you." AP101 said, annoyed, and Brian left after giving AP101 a disgusted look. Spy Shot and Speed Dial transformed back to robot form and Speed Dial said, "Hate's a strong word to use." "Anything to get him away. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if Knockout kidnapped him." AP101 said. "Wow. You really do hate certain people." Kaitlin said. "If they've been barking up my tree since eighth grade, then they might as well expect for me to be nasty to them." AP101 said.

    After school, AP101 and Kaitlin walked out the high school entrance doors with AP101 carrying a smoothie since she worked in the Smoothie Shop that morning, and they were talking about the smoothie as they waited for Bumblebee. "I suck at making the Islander, but oh my God, it tastes so good! It's a tropical flavor." AP101 said. "Really? I wanna try." Kaitlin said, and AP101 let her have a sip of the smoothie. "Oh my God, it is good." Kaitlin said. "Told you. Sure, part of it is liquid, but still good either way." AP101 said, then looked out to the parking lot and said, "Hm, I wonder where Bumblebee is. He's usually here by now." "Oh my God, he ditched us!" Kaitlin said with a joking tone. "Ha ha. Or he's just running behind schedule. Who knows?" AP101 said. Knockout was in the parking lot and saw the time as an opportunity to attack the girls and started driving toward them. AP101 looked at who was coming at them, and her smile disappeared when she saw Knockout. "Oh scrap." AP101 said. "What?" Kaitlin asked. "It's Knockout, we gotta run." AP101 said. Kaitlin looked to see Knockout, but wasn't familiar with his car mode and said, "It's just a red car." "One that's dangerous," Knockout said, then transformed, making Kaitlin let out a short scream. AP101 threw her smoothie at Knockout and got him in the face, then she and Kaitlin ran to the doors of the school. "Why'd you throw your smoothie at him?!" Kaitlin asked. "Who cares right now? I was done with it anyway!" AP101 said, then tried to open the doors, but they were locked since it was after 3:35. "Locked!" AP101 said. Knockout wiped the smoothie off of his face and started to walk toward them as he said, "First snow, and now artificial snow with flavoring in it." "Split up!" AP101 said, and the girls ran in different directions, confusing Knockout a little, then the girls started running for the other side of the school.

    Bumblebee was speeding toward the school from getting off of a mission, then ran into Barricade on the way as the Decepticon tried to sideswipe him. Bumblebee transformed and punched the Decepticon in the grille, forcing Barricade to transform, and the two Transformers started to fight. "Bumblebee! Never thought I'd see your yellow chassis here!" Barricade said. "I've been her longer than you think, Barricade," Bumblebee said, then flipped the Decepticon and tried to get past him, but Barricade stopped him and continued the fight. "I see you're still trying to run from fights, Bumbler." Barricade said. "Because I have a more important thing to do than mess with Decepti-chumps!" Bumblebee said. "Well this time, you're not leaving the battle area alive!" Barricade said, and started to fight more harshly, scratching Bumblebee, since the Autobot was dodging most of the attacks, and tearing up the pavement and patches of the ground.

    AP101 and Kaitlin kept running until Breakdown transformed and blocked their exit. "SLAG!!!" AP101 growled. "Let's see now, you don't have any other thing to throw at us, and you're up against two Decepticons. The both of you are slagged now." Knockout said. Speed Dial got himself out of Kaitlin's pocket and transformed as he said, "Shield your eyes!" and the girls did as Speed Dial flashed multiple times, blinding the Decepticons for a brief moment, then Kaitlin grabbed him and the girls ran again, but an Eradicon was waiting for them and grabbed Kaitlin. "Kaitlin!!!" AP101 said. "Help! Bumblebee! Help!!!" Kaitlin shouted. The entire group heard revving, then saw that Roadburn was racing toward the scene. "Retreat! One of them is all we need!" Knockout said, then the group transformed and took off with Kaitlin hostage. "Roadburn! They're kidnapping Kaitlin!!!" AP101 shouted, and Roadburn started to chase the Decepticons. "Breakdown, we have company!" Knockout said, and Breakdown laid down quick-freezing water onto the road, making Roadburn spin-out and land in a ditch, allowing the Decepticons to get away. "Roadburn!!!" AP101 said, and ran up to Roadburn as he transformed to robot form. "You all right?" AP101 asked. "A skinned knee, but I'll be fine." Roadburn said, then looked down the road where the Decepticons disappeared at as AP101 said, "Now what do we do?"
  20. Jazzfan0217

    Jazzfan0217 Resident couch potato

    Nov 20, 2011
    Trophy Points:
    'first snow then artificial snow with flavoring in it.' :lol  hilarious !!! i'm lovin this, please continue !!! :popcorn