What's happening, guys? So, at NYCC, we saw deluxe DoTM Wheeljack and Soundwave. So, how long until Peaugh or someone does a review do you think? If this has been talked about, I apologize.. I was thinking to make speculation based on past instances... Usually, the Peaugh gets the figures about 2 months before release, right? So, since Soundwave and Wheeljack are coming about around Christmas (speculated..) maybe around the beginning of December we'll see a review of Wheeljack and Soundwave?
I would die if Peaugh was just randomly like HERE'S MIRAGE! Best day ever? SO anyway, back on topic lol. Was I right about it is usually two months before release a figure is reviewed by Peaugh?
If I recall correctly, Peaugh's pretty much done with DOTM (he said he miiight review Soundwave or Wheeljack) I eagerly await his Prime reviews though.
I'm pretty sure Shadow made educated guesses... I don't know about him. Warpshard, I didn't even know Peaugh was on this website lol. It would be nice if he could shed some light on this topic. I feel like a review should be just around the corner if he does one..
Um... I think you're forgetting that Peaugh is just a regular collector like the rest of us. He just happens to do these reviews. Hasbro's gotten better at keeping the veil over new toys and cracked down on these leaks in China that got toys out prior to distribution. Peaugh doesn't get the hook-up from Mike/KOToys because Mike doesn't get as much in as he used to. That, and take into consideration that Peaugh isn't all that big into the movie lines anyway. He's not going to pay triple retail or more over a pre-release movie figure. You'll see it in stores first before you see Peaugh do a review.
Yeah, I think that's one reason why they aren't revealing Mirage yet. There's less of a chance for the toy to leak if they reveal it just a month before release. Peaugh may be first to review him, but more than likely, he'll be revealed by Hasbro first
From what I've heard, Peaugh is gonna have deluxe, human alliance, cyber-verse and Nitro Mirage ready to review on April 1st of 2012. It's one hell of a wait, but it'll be worth it. But seriously, I doubt we'll see any of the wave six deluxes being reviewed until sometime between mid - November and mid - December, which I think is when that wave is due for release in the states.
Where did you see that he'll have those Mirages on April 1st? I think it might have been an April Fools Day Joke... April 1st and all.