Resdesigning of tape transformers

Discussion in 'Transformers General Discussion' started by SilverBlade, Feb 14, 2006.

  1. Infosaur

    Infosaur Ancient Cybertronian

    Jan 12, 2004
    Trophy Points:
    I'm sure I've said this before,,,

    Soundwave = Helicopter, a bigger transport sized one.
    the "tapes" = motorcycles.

    Scene 1.) Soundwave enters the fray in alt mode. The side door opens and a bike flys out. Soundwave transforms in a maner that makes the cargo door his chest. He puts his finger up to his shoulder, the other bike flies out.

    Now as for my take on the bikes.

    Rumble: Loud and proud, slightly obnoxious. IMO he should be a Harley, you hear him from a block away. His rumbling causes the earth to shake.

    Frenzy: More manic and high pitched, he should be a high reving Japanese or Italian bike. Makes lots of earsplitting shreeks.

    Ravage: Feline, stealthy, gracefull. Think black Kawasaki Ninja. "Never assume (Soundwave) does not have Ninjas at his disposal" :lol 

    Sceen 2.) The human protaganist, early on in the filk, is aware that things are not all they apear. He has had close encounters with unusual circumstances, but now he has found something very,,,,, important, even if he doesn't understand it.

    He is walking down a deserted city street. It is late and dark. The blacktop is wet and reflects the lights of the towers high above and the neon closer to the ground. He hears an ominus growl. He turns, he sees nothing unusual, some parked cars, a black motorcycle, a dumpster, .

    He continues on. A cat cries out, a trashcan falls over falls over. He turns again, same parked cars. A cat climbs out of the dumpster, he sighs in relief. (he does not notice the motorcycle is gone), he turns to continue on his way and almost trips over the black motorcycle!

    'How did it get here' he wonders?

    He reaches out to touch it. IT ROARS TO LIFE!!

    He stumbles backwards, the bike skitters a few feet away and transforms into a large cat poised to strike. Our hero scrambles to his feet and takes off down the road. The cat-beat growls and leaps, transforming in mid air to a riderless bike. The cat-like roar melding into the relentless hum of a high speed internal combustion engine.

    The hero dashes down and alley, narrow and cluttered. He pulls down debris as he runs desperate to escape. The cycle bobs and weaves effortlessly alternating between beast and bike mode avoiding all obsticles with feline grace. Our hero comes to the end of the ally. A dead end! he turns to face,,,,,,,
  2. Infosaur

    Infosaur Ancient Cybertronian

    Jan 12, 2004
    Trophy Points:
    ^ Did I getcha?^