Basically which symbol set is the best and gets used the most by you? Clear, Mirror, White or Silver backing etc. And has anyone got the white outline symbols yet that are free with orders over $20? I ordered some sets last night just to get those, i'd love to see some pics of those on figs. These ones: For me its the clear sets for my cons and white for my bots. The white border around the symbol always makes the bots look more friendly imo
I got two sets of the free faction symbols from my last order and they are silver/mirrored outlined. There are 4 different sizes 0.8cm (3 Bot, 2Con), 1.0cm (2 Bot, 2 Con), 1.4cm (1 Bot, 2 Con) and 1.8cm (1 Bot, 1 Con) on each sheet. A total of 14 altogether. Here are a few that I have used from the free sheets on Windcharger. I hate the rub symbols. All three of these are the smallest size Bot symbols on the sheet, 0.8cm. Here is another of the larger sized Con symbols, 1.4cm, that I used on the double barrelled hammer for Onslaught from FP's add-on kit. I left some of the border on to form a square. I used a lot of the other stickers on my other TFs and they're great. Like these here on Explorer, Munitioner and WarCry. These are from the specific add-on sheets for the combaticons and I just chopped them up and used them as I saw fit. Hope this helps!
I've got the white outline set but I haven't used any yet. I think the color symbols with the white border are the best looking, the silver border ones don't do it for me.
I used to use the silver ones, but then I realized they end up looking too dark under a lot of lighting conditions. From now on I use clear back (putting on a symbol where there isn't already one) and white back (for putting over pre-existing symbols that I don't like, or where clear would blend in too much) I also remove all rub-symbols unless they're in a place where they don't get in the way of where I'm going to put a new one. Like on Classics Jetfire or RTS Grapple.
the wst sets are really nice, i have used more of the tiny bot and con symbols on my classics than the bigger ones, guard convoy's windcharger i think has one of the wst bot symbols as well
I'm not sure that I'm going to use them. Maybe on Windcharger, but in most cases I'd want a symbol with the the color filled in inside and not just the outline. I wish they offered a mixed faction, colored in, white outline sheet instead of just separate faction sheets.
Obviously not from you if you haven't used any yet? My request for pics stems from your initial question and your follow up response. I'd like to see pics from the posters who have said they prefer a certain type over another. I was hoping to see some pics of those in use so I can decide what sheets to order so I can get some of the new free outlined faction sheets. So please, POST SOME PICS!!!
Just posted a couple of these in the Cool Stuff thread, but they show off the symbols well. Those clear ones with the white outlining are superb, and i love using them, as you can see.
here's mine that I just placed on Windcharger, it looks nice on a red color! I'm not a fan either of the clear white outline ones. I prefer the color set that Repro was originally giving free when ordering $20 or more.. but it's not too terribly bad either.
I did put one on Windcharger, and robowarrior you just saved me from taking a pic. Looks the same- the outline symbols look great if they're on the proper color certainly. May end up using some more if I find good places for them. (Sorry dkreed7)
Now that I think about it, I need a place to put the decepticon symbols on the FP insecticons. I'm not removing the original tampo they have so it might not go on the chest.
While this threads here, may aswel ask-- what're some of the best sets for classic figures in general? Pics would be a help if you have them.
I think there was a thread for that somewhere, but I'll toss out a few- Prowl is a must have IMO. Same with Rodimus. Hound is pretty solid, so is the Legends Trailbreak. Shockingly, I don't have stickered Rodimus pics. Maybe have to rectify that soon.