I've been look for a method to unscrew some Junker TFs. The heads on the screws are worn out. I tried using thin necked tweezer pliers to remove them but they're still in there. Is there a way to remove the screws without having to cut through a lot of good plastic?
I have found using a small flat head can sometimes remove them, you just have to jam it in to two corners of where the phillips went in.
The problem with this is the depth of the holes. I can't use leverage for a screw that doesn't stick out.
soldering iron with a pointy tip will melt the plastic holding the threads. heat up the head and then use some tweezers while it's hot.
Thanks for the suggestions, guys. Though I'm not sure if I'm getting this right. I just jab a small flat headed phillips screwdriver in where the plastic and metal meets and pry it out? I've been doing that and got no results. It makes me hesitant to melt Powermaster Prime's hip. But I'll give it a try. Thanks everyone.