Hello everyone. I'm finally finishing off my PCC trilogy thread with the culmination of alk the work of the last 2 threads: the Road Quarantine team(with PCC Huffer as a stand-in) I swear the name is insidental So since this is my first full team thread, I need to change my regular format a bit. I'll give a brief summary of the team, then I'll go over the characters one at a time with pictures amd their equipment. So Here we go(this is going to be long). Firstly, despite the choice of molds, they are NOT a multiverse team, like say UW Grand Galvatron. They are intended to be a team that exist sometime between the end of G1 and Machine Wars in my headcannon. I chose the molds for the vehicule veriaty and the fact that the HFTD beachcomer mold and Cybertron Ransack RGT mold work nicely as arms. Secondly, they where orginaly meant to be an Autobot combiner composed of retconed G2 characters Motormouth and Firecracker, a retconed RID Towline and 2 original characters named Streetbeat and Gear-Up. Funly enough, they are also still in my headcannon and are WIP's using CW molds. But for now, I give to you my Road Quarantine team. They are basically meant to be a specialized combiner strike team to destroy localized areas with mostly wreckless abandon. They also become members of Squadron X at Galvatron's demand when they get to earth. Edit: I added some links to pictures for the vehicule modes I want to use for the upscale that might happen. So let's beging with our first member: Desperado: Gunner His personnality is basically a cowboy, although a somewhat reserved one. And he pretty darn good at putting down other bots. He is all handpainted with: Citadel Abandon Black Citadel Mephiston Red And made from HFTD Beachcomber His extra equipent can slot together into a dual grenade or a dual gatling gun with the CW hand. It pegs into a screwhole. In vehicule mode it becomes engine armor and the box tabs in thru the small arm into a small slot in the back as a mine dispenser OR extra ammo drum: And finally arm mode. Everything slots in with friction: When I remake this with CW figures, I want him to turn into a 1961 Ford Falcon Ranchero Next up is Speedpunk: Saboteur: I know he looks like a bearly painted Cybertron RTS Ransak, but he is supossed to be a different character. I just love the colors and most of the paint is in vehicule mode. His personnality is basicaly that of a teenager who thoroughly enjoys racing down the street at 200mph in at 20mph zone. He would also use C4 for the classic "cherry in the towlet" prank. But you wouldn't be able to tell easily because he likes to pretend to be easygoing and somewhat charismatic. He is handpainted with: Citadel Abandon Black Testors Metallic Gold Testors Flat Red His equipment can tab into the hole in the backpack's side to become a rockey launcher holder. The other pieces become a pistol and heavy double barrel SMG: In vehicule mode, it all slots together into a sidecar. The pistol becomes the connector bracket: And arm mode. Ounce again, brackets tab in with friction: Slots into the holes between the white intake. Teeth slot into the holes. Pistol goes into handhole. When I remake this with CW figures, I want hin to turn into a Dragracer Motorcycle Next up is Brushguard: Shock trooper Again VERY little paint apps on him as I love the colors but like Seedpunk use of the RST Ransack mold, the toy is just a stand in for my headcannon. He is a former soldier of the Cybertronien military who followed the Decepticons because he agreed with Megatron's ideas and belives that might is the only way to restore Cybertron. Most paint apps are in vehicule mode. I handpainted him with: Citadel Mechanicus Standard Grey Citadel Mephiston Red Citadel Abandon Black Black Gundam marker His equipment tabs together to become a backpack mounted gatling gun ammo box. In vehicule mode, the box "slots" into the fistholes to become an external carry case and the small bracket slots inot the feet's gaps to become an extra guard. Finally, leg mode: The only difference with the parts is the reorientation of the fender. When I remake this using CW figures i want him to turn into a Mitsubishi Pajero V6 3500 Finally the last limbbot, Oilpan: Infiltrater Same deal with him as the other 2, the toy is a stand-in but I love the colors. His personality is a crafty and crafty one. He use that to his advantage to get into the target territory, find weakspots and use them to fascilitate to the infiltration of the rest of his team. I handpainted him with: Testors Flat Aluminum Gundam Marker white Gundam Marker Grey The boxpiece slots into his spoiler to become a back mounted double cannon. The intake spoiler has a little hole in it that tabs into the sliding pin attached to his arm to become a "plasma-gun" blade. In vehicule mode, the blade spoiler connects to the cannon thanks to a folding tab to become a giant supercharger. Finally, leg mode: As you can see, it all just slots in and is sterdier than it looks. When I remake this using CW figures, into a 1970 Lamborghini Muira Jota The FINAL character of this project would be the leader, Wrecker Hook. However, I never got to turning PCC Huffer into him because when I finished all the others in mid 2015, I had decided that I would simply remake the entire team and their Autobot counterparts, whom they where supposed to be in the first place anyway, using CW toys and model kits/other vehicule toys. That being said, imagine this guys being the leader and a combiner torso: When I ACTUALLY make him, I'll use CW Onslaught, or who knows Earthrise might have something I can turn into a combinerbot(heavily modified Grapple?) with a either a WW2 or 1940 to 1970 era tow truck kit with extra parts I have lying around. With ALL that said amd done, WHAT is the end result of this odessy? This: Gridlock And lastly here he is with his WIP CW Autobot Counterpart: ???????. Never figured out a name yet for the Autobot combiner, but he has been started. As you can see, one of the limbs is already fully customized and the Ironhide mold also has a customiaztion to him. But I'll elaborate on that team at a later time. So, what do you think? This was my first attempt at a fullfledged 3P style add-on kit and my first ever combiner finished in 2015. As you can tell from the picture, I have been working on other combiners, and some are close to being properly finished and I'm looking forward to sharing them. This closes out my Remember PCC? Perpetually WIP Custom Upgrades for the time being. I will most likely pick these back up someday. But for now, I hope that you've enjoyed this and I will see you on my next post.
Ha I thought somebody would think that. It isn't Wreck-Gar or even a Junkion. He is an OC of mine named Street-Beat. And I will most certainly post more of him shortly. Probably tommorow in fact but on a seperate post dedicated to his team!
This is spectacular and I wish you'd doubled-down on it, because the PCC torso guys are a bunch of neat little molds that never really got the love they deserve.
Thank you very much. I got inspired by Fansproject's Bruticus upgrade kit and how it used all the parts in all modes. And it took me MONTHS to do along with a few extra copies just in case:
Oh no need to worry about that. The project is not dead. Just on a long hiatus like the following: Heavy/Scratch: - REMEMBER PCC? PERPETUALLY WIP CUSTOM UPGRADES PT.2: limb adaptors And you are correct. The corebots never got the love they deserved. But then again genius is never appreciated in its time, right?