Hey everyone i originally posted devy a couple months back(I can't find the original post). After some twiks and mods he's ready 4 paint just thought i'd share sum pics with everyone. Also this is my first custom but all c&c welcome. I couldn't find my original post so i'll add devys background story. Plus this is not a g1 devy it is my version of devy with a SERIOUS UPGRADE ! So to all my fellow devy fans i'm soory if i offend u this is my intent. Lastly thanks to mench0y, kofboy, frenzy_rumble for allowing me to use some of their ideas and techniques. Also thanks to my friends Tony, Dreco, and Chad for incouragement! Thanks for looking and enjoy! It is years into the future after scorpinoks' defeat at the hands of fortress maximus. Galvatron is beside himself wondering how to conquer the wretched autobots. Meanwhile it is business as usual for the rest of the decepticons, especially among the racks of the combining teams. The constructicons once again feel as though they need to remind all the other combining teams how they are THE FIRST, THE ORIGINAL, THE BEST, and offcourse THE STRONGEST combiner team ever! Normally the other combiner teams simply ignore the constructicons, but today razerclaw reaches his breaking point! With a loud roar razerclaw summons the members of all the other combining teams. Almost instantly the stunicons form the unstable MENASOR. The seacons form the scourge of the deep, PIRANACON. Next the combaticons form the dominating BRUTICUS. The terrorcons form the uncontrollable ABOMINUS. Last but certainly not least the predacons form the supreme tyrant himself, PREDAKING! The construticons simply laugh and proceed to combine into DEVASTATOR! "Prepare for E-uurgh," and before devastator can finish his signature battle phrase he is pinned to the ground by piranacon and menasor. Then devastator is beaten and pounded into the ground repeatedly by abominus and bruticus. With devastator severely damaged it is predaking who puts his foot on devastators' neck. Devastator looks up at predaking and says "please predaking no, you are all my brothers." Predaking leans down closer to devastator and says "Prepare for your extermination!" Next predaking reaches into the chest of devastator and crushes his spark! By this time soundwave had alerted galvatron of the noise and the fight. Galvatron immediatly lashes out his frustration on all the combiner teams and wonders how he will ever replace devastator? It is soundwave who alerts galvatron, after seeing the wreakage, that devastator could possibly be rebuilt, but he will need lots of parts! Galvatron orders soundwave to supervise the reconstuction and rebuild devastator bigger, stronger, and meaner! He also orders all the other combining teams to assist soundwave and provide parts from their own bodys if needed! After the construction is completed galvatron looks up and says "now Optimus, try and stop me!" Galvatron soon unleashes his new bigger, stronger, meaner Devastator. Optimus prime soon realizes that none of hie autobots are a match for this reborn devastator. As optimus retreats he says to himself "we have to find a way get on the right TRACKS to defeat devastator! To be continued....! Each combiners story will b finished once I complete them. I'm working on menasor and devys opponent now. Can u guess who devys opponent is the clue is in the last line of the story! more pics comin later. 8-9-10: Ok i've got some pics of devys wrecking ball head. Hope every1 enjoys!
I like the idea of voyager class molds. Can I ask what you used for the arms? Looks like his right arm is a non-transforming toy, and his left arm is a...plane of some kind? You actually chose 3 of the same molds that I am planning on using for Devastator. Now, whether or not I'll ever find another 3 molds that I think fit for the scale of mine...we'll see.
The left arm scavenger is universe mudflaps upper torso with universe dropshots legs added. The actual excavator pieces come from a tru(toys r us) excavator. It still transforms too. The right arm is cybertron menasor.
Fascinating, ambitious build! I can only imagine the time that went into this... I gotta be honest though and I must say that it looks a little weird.
like what you did with mixmaster and scrapper, looks like youre going the menchoy way for thighs there. i really dig the creativity here, the only thing im on the fence about is the head/neck combo. for as much work as youve clearly put in, it think you could really improve this with a better head. i can understand the problem of finding one in this scale though.
Thanks man! im open to ideas. Thanks man! I worked on him for over a year. Yeah he's not a g1 devy so there are definatly some curveballs with him. I really appreciate man. I'll have pics of the head up later. The head is actually a wrecking ball that opens with devys head in it. That way when they seperate the head isn't just a loose piece sitting on the side. There is really no kibble to him.
Thanks man! I really tried to make him different from the other devys. Plus i didn't want ANY kibble. Yeah he really is. Thanks for looking man!
Yeah! I looked 4ever to try and find something the right size that could pop open n close like i wanted. I made a few mods to it to make it work.