Hello guys, I hope I am placing the post in the right place... A few months ago, I remember seeing a big old thread in this forum with a guy doing a scratch build for a gestalt devastator figure (g1 style). He had lots of pictures, descriptions, WIP, work in styrene, etc. It was really detailed and almost worked as a tutorial. By any chance anyone remembers something like this, I cannot find the thread anymore nor remember the username(been searching for it for the last week) Thanks in advance.
If it was slightly tutorial-ly then perhaps it was added to this: Tutorials and How Tos - TFW2005 - The 2005 Boards Other than that I have no idea. Did you respond to the thread? Because if you did search for threads with Devastator in the title and see which ones you responded to. That's my vague technique when searching for a lost thread.
Is it this one? http://www.tfw2005.com/boards/radicons-customs/329755-wip-g1-accurate-devastator.html By Megatron31. G1, and lots of styrene work. Love his stuff, good guy. Randy!