I need some help investigating Energon Optimus’ weird limb designs. I don’t own the figure, but I was reading on TFWiki how the elbows and knees apparently have blocked off joints. The elbows have secondary joints below them in the red forearms, and the legs apparently have joints above the knees. It’s interesting because the show model shows both these joints being used, and in fact renders what I thought were the thighs (the parts with the fuel tanks sculpted on) as the upper calves. I think this explains why the figure turned out looking so fat and weird, because the proportions were inadvertently altered by the omission of these joints. Can anyone who has this guy possibly crack him open and investigate if these joints could be recovered, maybe even take some photos?
Okay sorry I can't be of any help, but I was looking at his TFWiki toy page and now I see what you mean about how Superlink Convoy could've and should've looked like a bad-ass MoFo. Check out his cancelled Revoltech figure; he was supposed to be fuckin' Obari Convoy, not Cholesterol Convoy.
No, actual hinges within the legs and arms that haze been closed off. Otherwise he’d effectively have double jointed knees and elbows.