Punch / Counterpunch in Rebirth

Discussion in 'Transformers Earthspark and Cartoon Discussion' started by Distant1, Nov 9, 2020.

  1. Distant1

    Distant1 Well-Known Member

    May 28, 2018
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    In Rebirith, we see Punch/CounterPunch in a battle on Earth. But where was he initially at the start of the episode?

    If he was with the Decepticons why did he not warn the Autobots of an imminent attack?

    On the other hand, if he was with the Autobots why did the Decepticons just seem to accept him being there (did the Decepticons think that he was just a prisoner of the Autobots)?

    Also, does anyone have any headcanon on Punch / CounterPunch?

    To me, he must have been a true Decepticon at one point, and then had a change of heart for some reason.

    I like to think that Punch / Counterpunch helped the remaining Autobots on Cybertron (when Optimus left) survive while Shockwave was in charge of the Decepticons.
  2. PrimeSmokescreen 04

    PrimeSmokescreen 04 Well-Known Member

    Oct 17, 2020
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    Well the official canon is hes a paranoid autobot spy that spent so much time as a decepticon agent that he developed a violent alternate personality that presumably keeps him from being caught. As for why he didnt tell the autobots about the attack, if the attack didnt happened the whole 3 parter wouldve been impossible, so because plot.
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  3. Distant1

    Distant1 Well-Known Member

    May 28, 2018
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    Agree, plot.

    I guess they could have changed the dialog at the start to expect a Decepticon attack and pretty much everything could have worked.
  4. PrimeSmokescreen 04

    PrimeSmokescreen 04 Well-Known Member

    Oct 17, 2020
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    Yeah, we may have gotten something like that if the rebirth wasnt so rushed.
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  5. Furnace

    Furnace Antroid at a picnic

    Jun 17, 2014
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    Punch/Counterpunch really deserved his own episode(s) to shine. Of all the things I liked least about The Rebirth, the biggest thing was that it threw so many fascinating characters and concepts at us without giving them any time to breathe.
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  6. Insurgent

    Insurgent The Amazing Tango Mysterio

    Dec 18, 2017
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    Bonnie Ol' England
    Maybe he didn't warn them because he didn't have time to warn them? Or chance to get to the comms room. Or maybe Counterpunch violently took over and was running the show until they got to earth and he transformed to punch to spy on the autobots and get an advantage, but switching to punch mode allowed punch to take control again, which is where we pick him up. And before you ask, Counterpunch didn't take over in the Vault because he wasn't in Counterpunch mode long enough for him to take over.
  7. SaberPrime

    SaberPrime Banned

    Apr 17, 2010
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    The State of insanity.
    The real question is... there's a scene where the Decepticons can see Counterpunch from the back and some how no one thinks "From this angle that guy looks like Punch!" It's really a terrible disguise how does he even get away with that?
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  8. Distant1

    Distant1 Well-Known Member

    May 28, 2018
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    Agree. I would have Punch/CounterPunch in a series 2.5 with him coming to Earth from Cybertron and a spotlight episode on him.

    Yeah, I wish they could have briefly given backstories to the season 4 characters.

    Interesting, you could be right. Without taking too much note of the toy bio, I kind of think that he would just be a double agent but always working rationally for the Autobots and displays of violence or anger are really just for show when he is in the Decepticon ranks.

    To me, I would say that in a series 2.5, Punch/Counterpunch would come to earth along with say the Battlechargers (Runamuck and Runaround, I can never remember their names), and they are given earth vehicles as Alt-Modes. I would say that maybe Megatron is overseeing the new Earth Alt-modes for the Battlechargers but maybe Megatron leaves the room and someone like Thundercracker (who is by his toy bio is not completely loyal) or Starscream is in charge of giving Punch/CounterPunch a new earth alt-mode and overlooks the fact that CounterPunch/Punch has two sides so to speak. Either that, or the Decepticons just give Punch/CounterPunch a new earth alt-mode and he sneaks off and the Autobots also give him a new earth style Autobot alt-mode.
  9. SaberPrime

    SaberPrime Banned

    Apr 17, 2010
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    The State of insanity.
    None of that made any sense what so ever.

    Their names are Runamuch and Runabout by the way so you got one right.

    Anyway... Both Punch and Counterpunch have the SAME vehicle mode which is another reason why their disguise is terrible when they both transform into the exact same car. But they wouldn't need to scan an Earth mode TWICE... and the Autobots know he's a spy cause he actually is an Autobot so if he picked up an Earth mode with the Decepticons he has no reason to pretend with the Autobots.
  10. Distant1

    Distant1 Well-Known Member

    May 28, 2018
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    Really just put in some headcanon. But if you have any headcanon, as per a backstory for Punch/CounterPunch, please feel free to add it.


  11. SaberPrime

    SaberPrime Banned

    Apr 17, 2010
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    The State of insanity.
    Maybe he uses Douglas Adams logic?

    In case you're not familiar in one of the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy Books... the 3rd one titled "Life, The Universe, and Everything" which was originally suppose to be a Doctor Who script Slartibartfast, who plays the role that originally would of been the role of the 4th Doctor, explains that his ship is cloaked by the "Somebody else's business" factor. You can see the ship out of your peripheral vision but not if you're looking directly at it.

    This explanation has also been used in actual Doctor Who several times as well as the Torchwood spin off. It's the reason why no one pays any attention to several people going in or coming out of a tiny blue box. Why no one notices yet also doesn't fall into the secret Torchwood entrance which sits in the middle of a busy side walk. The Doctor also gives his companions TARDIS keys in an effort to hide from the Master. It's also the reason Craig doesn't notice a attic door to an attic he doesn't have inside his own house. Though in the show it's referred to as a perception filter but it's based on the same concept that Douglas Adams originally came up with.

    Anyway this could explain why the Decepticons don't notice that Counterpunch's back side looks exactly like Punch, because he's using a perception filter that makes it so the Decepticons can't look directly at him from his back. This perception filter prevents them from noticing any similarities to Punch.

    And there is reason to believe that Transformers are using technology from Gallifrey as Astrotrain is also bigger on the inside, Death's Head has officially interacted with the Transformers and the Doctor. Octus is an Official Decepticon who literally transforms into a Dalek. And I'm pretty sure River Song and Quickshadow are actually the same character not just because they share the same actress but all that stuff I just said.
  12. Revoticus

    Revoticus Splitting headache

    Jul 11, 2016
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    Presumably he is just another one of the many Autobot recruits that came ofscreen just like the S2 & S3 bots.

    The reason he didn't warn the Autobots is because the Decepticons wasn't active before the attack on Autobot base. It was stated at the start of the episode that they haven't had any Decepticon problems since Optimus came back(a nod to the end of The return of Optimus Prime).

    That would mean that Punch was active in season 3, he might spend his time spying the Decepticons ofscreen.
  13. ABrown

    ABrown Well-Known Member

    Sep 23, 2010
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    I don't see it being a problem that Punch didn't warn the Autobots of the attack. He clearly didn't know about it, as he felt it necessary to switch over to Counterpunch to try to figure out what was going on, and what Wingspan/Pounce were after.
    Last edited: Nov 12, 2020
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  14. Distant1

    Distant1 Well-Known Member

    May 28, 2018
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    That is interesting.

    To me, it makes sense if Counterpunch came to Earth with the Decepticons (but secretly working for the Autobots) between 1985 and 2005. In my mind, he was on a mission to attack an Autobot colony (the likes that Kup or Sky Lynx could have been stationed on) and was 'captured' by the Autobots before 2005. He may have stayed on a foreign planet in season 3 as the Autobots did not seem to have any intelligence on what the Decepticons were up to on Chaar.

    Maybe after the Return of Optimus Prime, 4 he was transferred to Earth and the Decepticons may have thought he escaped on the attack of Earth in Rebirth.