Interested in attaining the Animated White Prowl and maybe the Dreadwing/Smokescreen. Any idea how much the Animated White Prowl is selling for. Also how much is the smokescreen/dreadwing going for? Also what was the cost at the show?
you are now at the mercy of ebay.... Transformers 2010 Transformers Toys, Action Figures, and Collectibles BBTS has sold out.
I just canceled my order for DW/SS on BBTS so there's one left at $190 Only a few he said in the email he sent me eight hours ago. Also, bodhar had DW/SS for $150, Prowl was at $100 but not sure is he has any left. EDIT: Show cost but you have to take into consideration that people camp overnight to get their hands on these and travel cost in Japan is crazy expensive. DREADWING and SMOKESCREEN 5,500 yen Elite Guard Prowl 2,500 yen
yeah i paid the rape of 175 for dread but robot kingdom has dread and smoke for 90 and prowl at 40 or something or both can be had for 120. soooooo pissed. but thats the gamble i guess.
Wow, what a great price. Online retailers are getting a lot of the show exclusives this year. Did robotkingdom ever get any of the Crystal Convoy or Wildriders?
$40 for an exclusive japanese figure with a limited run (presumely) and originally retailed for $27. It's going to be tough to find him for much cheaper.
This was Yokatta's price for the G2 jets, but I don't know whether her stock's been depleted or not. If they're gone, I do know she can help pick more up from Yahoo! Japan and the like.
I canceled my order at BBTS and went with Robotkingdom instead this morning before I saw this I bought G2 Dreadwing/Smokescreen and the Takara Reissue Kup/Wheelie for 152 shipped...way less the the 189 BBTS is asking and the 175 shipped that Bodhar was asking.