Which would you prefer to show the events of How the Extinction Idea made by humans were put into motion? TV Show or Prequel Comic?
I would have liked either, though comics are more likely than a tv show. Anyway, after seeing the movie my older son (he's 9) said they should have a prequel series that shows what happened to the rest of the Autobots and any remaining Decepticons left alive after Dark of the Moon. I was like, "Well since most of them were hunted down and killed, that would be kind of a depressing series I think."
Comic. I feel it would better be able to use its space just filling in blanks and explaining the lore. A tv show would likely create all sorts of new plot lines that would make everything more convoluted.
Both for me. But, I'm afraid to ask my dad to buy me the Dinobots comic that's supposedly a prequel for Transformers: Prime. He thinks I'm too old for Transformers even though I'm 14.... Meh. I'd rather have a TV show because I'll ACTUALLY be able to watch it. But, a comic? Unless my dad wants to hear me ask him to buy my the new comic every time a new issue comes out, he won't buy it.
Why I remember 25 years ago my mom said something similar to me. I was too old for Transformers. And... here I am.
Comic book, because there wouldn't be a big enough budget to do a good tv show or it'd be animated and cheesy.
Tony said something about him pitching an in between-quel TV show once... But I'd prefer a comic. The human element is evil and you can't follow the Autobots on TV.
TV show, if they even have enough budget . But i heard that they won't be making any comic to concentrate on the movie