I'm going to guess before reading the article and say, cell phones make you want to eat lots of Twinkies........BRB edit:Lame Okay, maybe I am the exception, but I smoked alot of dope when my wife got pregnant WHILE on birth control with our daughter. She is 5 now and the kid is a frickin' genious. Super Sperm FTW!!! I would find this more believable if we talked on the phone by putting it next to our balls too.
"Men who talked more than 4 hours a day had lowest counts, study says" Which man talks more than 4 hours a day on their phone? I know why they have a low sperm count - THEY'RE ACTUALLY WOMEN. I don't even talk on my phone that much.
I keep my cell on vibrate, miss 2/3 of the calls I get, and don't miss a beat. I hate the damn thing. Texting's even worse.
going out on a limb here. STress effects sperm count. Men who talk more than 4 hours on a phone a day I would gather need to. They need to because of there job. I'm also going to gather such jobs require a lot of hours, more than your average 9-5. Thus being a high stress job. I'm calling bollucks. Now as mentioned if talking with your nuts was studied then maybe I would buy it. Thanx Transbot90210
Yeah, I smoked a ton of weed when I was a teenager too, hell our first son was conceived when we were both high as kites. After a total of 4 sons I think my sperm count is ok.
Well, if it helps, in the article they even say that they've shown correlation but not causation and they're investigating further, which is exactly what they ought to be doing. If they can't show that the RF used by cellphones is damaging to sperm cells or sperm-producing cells, then it's most likely something like what Transbot said. Not that this won't get immdeiately picked up by the anti-RF woos.
I've been reading Bad Astronomy for like half a year, and some other science blogs. Woo is one of my favorite new words. Though I shouldn't be so hard on them. There's good money in woo. Well, lots of money, I don't think I could call it "good". Also, one thing pot and cell phones don't have in common - it is not the case that nearly half the planet's population smokes the cheeba. Cells, on the other hand...
The guys who talk for hours on their cell phones each day probably have nagging wives. That's who they are on the phone to; they keep getting called all the while by their other halves. There's the reason right there; STRESS. Also: low sperm count = less chance of kids = less reasons to get nagged even more.
I read the title and assumed it was something to do with frying the brain. Then I read the article and it made even less sense than that...