Post Tramatic Stress Disorder..

Discussion in 'Transformers General Discussion' started by Darthbane2007, Jun 6, 2009.

  1. Darthbane2007

    Darthbane2007 Well-Known Member

    Sep 27, 2008
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    Okay, here we go.

    Yes, I know that transformers are fictionial robots and all that, but don't you think any of them get stressed or whatnot from fighting for thousands of millions of years, or seeing their comrades die? You would think it would have some sort of effect on them or something...
  2. ILoveDinobot

    ILoveDinobot What does God need with a starship?

    Jan 19, 2006
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    They are not the hell your whales
  3. iconscons

    iconscons Well-Known Member

    May 12, 2007
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    g1 Ultra magnus certainly did in the comics. After a few bouts with galvatron he nearly cracked up at the thought of facing him again.
  4. Quantum

    Quantum Oh good

    Jan 3, 2006
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    Bluestreak's got it big-time in G-1.
  5. Aernaroth

    Aernaroth <b><font color=blue>I voted for Super_Megatron and Veteran

    Mar 27, 2004
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    Oh yeah. They may be able to deal with the concept of death, pain, and war differently than humans, but even they have their breaking points. Not even in terms of PTSD, but they can be pushed, just as humans can, to the point where they snap and are capable of things noone would have expected.

    There's plenty of instances in the comics, for example, of characters losing it, like Ratchet finally snapping on Starscream in the Marvel G1 series, or Spinister in the DW Armada comics.
  6. Backscatter

    Backscatter Autobot Brainmaster TFW2005 Supporter

    Mar 24, 2003
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    :lol  When I saw the title of this thread I thought it was about post-Botcon blues. On topic: I'd have to say and agree that G1 Bluestreak had it bad.

    SPLIT LIP Be strong enough to be gentle

    Oct 22, 2005
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    agile house
    Trying to pronounce the acronym makes it sound like you're making fart noises with your mouth.

    Also, yes.
  8. Decay_is_awesome

    Decay_is_awesome Well-Known Member

    Apr 19, 2004
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    i think bombshock is one of the cooler results of millenia of prolonged combat. i dont think hes ever done anything of note in fiction but according to his bio hes so used to seeing robots ripped apart/ripping robots apart/being ripped apart he simply doesnt care anymore. he will dish out and recieve huge amounts of damage without blinking. id love to see him in a spotlight or something.
  9. deltaprime

    deltaprime The Christian Transfan

    Aug 10, 2008
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    I'd still love to see Optimus snap and go absolutely insane on the Decepticons. "NO MERCY!" :ev: 
  10. jorod74

    jorod74 Psycholagnist (Ret.)

    Feb 8, 2007
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    well, read the Bio's on G1 figures.
    A lot of the Autobots were so bummed out or weary from the war. or didn't care anymore and preferred to spend time on their hobbies that you'd think Megatron was winning by attrition and apathy.
    so yeah, they get PTSD.

    Omega Supreme has a variation of PTSD.
  11. grimlock1972

    grimlock1972 Optimus, serving up the primest of ribs since 1984

    Apr 20, 2009
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    id say yes personally I think even Rodimus Prime/Hot Rod had it, i always felt he never forgave himself for what happened to Optimus Prime and blamed himself
  12. Bottom Out

    Bottom Out Well-Known Member

    Jul 8, 2008
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    well it was hot rods fault prime died....

    also, didnt sunstreaker have some sort of stress from being turned intoa headmaster or somethin g
  13. grimlock1972

    grimlock1972 Optimus, serving up the primest of ribs since 1984

    Apr 20, 2009
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    Indeed it was and that sort of thing isn't easy to live with
  14. SlyTF

    SlyTF Banned

    Feb 12, 2009
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    Animated Ratchet
  15. Ash from Carolina

    Ash from Carolina Junior Smeghead

    Mar 24, 2007
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    Hey if I can get it from an ex-wife then millions of years of war would leave some messed up robots on both sides. Only so much you can do with it in a kids cartoons but there were hints that some of the robots had some really bad mental demons some minds wouldn't have been as screwed up without the war.

    GENOZAUR Banned

    Mar 17, 2007
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    done and done

    "I would have waited an eternity for this," "It's over, Prime." Optimus heard Megatron's voice, but it seemed so far away, so distant. "Crawl slave! on your knees! he gloated as he kept the gun trained on the Autobot leader despite being heavily damaged himself. Optimus struggled to his knees, balling his hands together for a final act of defiance as he gathers his remaining strength.

    He heard his own voice speaking to him. You’ve lost. Everything you’ve worked so very hard for has been destroyed. everyone you knew and loved in life has been killed. Its all over. all over. Through the morning fog which covered the battlefield He caught a glimpse of Alita, staring at him. her head bowed in sorrow, her optics closed in vain as she tried to hold back the tears which streamed down her face

    he saw in the distance his friends and his comrades.they who had given their lives for the code and their beliefs. their faces and optics which had once burned so bright in life with hope and determination, were now haunted with greif and sorrow. Alita... I failed them, ive failed you...I've been trying so hard to bring back my past. old friends, old ways. maybe this is what it brings in the heart of a dead city. no past but megatron's rule, no future but Megatron's fist. Event hrough all the pain i can still hear them screaming Avenge me, a million dead scream to me AVENGE ME. no. No. NO! Its not over! I MUST NOT GIVE UP. I CAN NOT GIVE UP! “I WILL NEVER GIVE UP!” my past is dead but I'm alive and i OWE the dead for that.

    from somewhere deep in his mind, from somewhere in that faraway place of chrystalline concentration and groggy perceptions, in that far away place of dreams and courage he found a final last well. he had descended into the very darkness within himself, the deepest level. it was partly in his mind, partly in his chest, mostly in his soul. a black pit of hate, anger, rage, wrath, greif and despair. incredibly compressed by his desire and longing for peace, compacted under incredible pressure by his very morale beliefs, held in stasis by the very rigid discipline he had trained himself to possess as a warrior . the pit exploded with all the pent up emotion's he had held in check throughout the greater majority of his entire lifetime up to this moment. A sudden surge of raw distructive energy exploded within primes damaged body as power rerouted from one subsystem to another, his faltering life sighns peaked dramatically.

    Optimus had the strength and the determination to do what was necessary now all he needed was the will. Optimus looked up at his age-old nemesis, gasping for breath as his injuries robbed his system of the oxygen it needed to combust energon. Silence spread like a stifling blanket over the battlefield, Prime's horrible gurgling wheeze the only sound echoing across the tarmac. Optimus Prime looked into the eyes of the enemy. He knew that he was the only one who could stop this carnage. He called on the last of his strength for one final blow. he knew he could do it, he could take the monster down optimus was an autobot for whom the word surrender truly had no meaning. The power was there gaining strength like a raging wild fire. the fire like will of determination was burning deep inside of him begging to be released like the throttle handle to a power generator bent on overload but after that he would be spent and it would be over for him.

    for the sake of peace throughout the universe,for the comrades that i have lost , for those who still live that believe in me right here and right now i will defeat you. for elita, for primus, for the autobot code let there be peace. he thought to himself Then the heroic Autobot gathered all his strength for one word as he threw back his head and screamed from somewhere deep within his soul a primal scream so terrifying and sharp it cut through the tyrant like a stunning blow to the temple.

    "N... never!" he yelled, gasping painfully, Linking his fists together, Prime swung his joined hands at the Decepticon's throat and made contact as he opens up on megatron from point blank range slamming both fists into Megatron's throat with a full circle round house punch as he bashes in the armor surrounding megatron's throat cutting off his ability to breath. the decepticon stumbled back 2 full steps as he brought his right hand up to his throat as he struggled to breath. the unintelligable sounds made by his airway as he attempted to draw breath sounded like a deathrattle. the momentary distraction was all the hesitation prime needed as he struggled to his feet. Turning his attention inward, he accessed the power of the Matrix. alita’s last stand had provided the inspiration. All it took was the slightest thought – a line of coding, fed from his processor down a length of fibre-optic cabling and into his systems. A slight re-direction of power flow here, a minute telescoping of a ventilation funnel there, and Matrix energy flowed into his body.he cold actually feel the energy as it traveled from his chest to his shoulders through his arms and into his hands. Turning a sacred life force into a weapon was the easiest thing in the world for Optimus Prime. Suddenly, he felt his own Spark twitch and begin to move, inward, toward the sacred artefact. Through their mental link, somewhere in his mind he heard Magnus cry out. He knew… they both knew… what it meant. If a prime were to employ the Matrix in this fashion, to have it consume and destroy the enemy it would likely consume the spark of its gaurdian as well.

    Violence, he remembered, always had a consequence. Magnus’ voice whispered in his mind. This is the purpose, it said, for which Transformers like you and I were created. utilising the age old teachings of circuitsu he called forth energy from his very spark. matrix energy began to glow at his finger tips soft and white at first then with the color changing to a light bluish white as the power built up in intensity. lightning like pathways of energy began to arc back and forth as the energy increased. crackling and humming in near spider web patterns between his hands and fingers as the power built up in intesity and strength.The power doubled, then tripled, then swelled beyond measure. prime willed the energy to flow from his hands into a fiery blueish white spere hovering in the air between his hands as it materialised in the air.

    "DECEPTICONS, LEAVE THIS PLACE OR DIE" he screamed. the wind carries his words to every corner of the city. those of megatron's troops who were still alive looked on in shock, disbelief annd silence. the very sight of prime has chilled them to their very sparks. concentrating mightily he willed the energy to coalensce into a speroid like form of pure matrix energy as it hovered in midair between his hands.

    i have tried reasoning with you, he thought silently to himself and i have tried making peace with you megatron. but the only language you will ever understand is violence. "you wanted power so badly megatron here" he spoke to his enemy as Optimus stopped hesitating and unleashed the full fury of the matrix .The energy was blistering, and the temperature soared as the energy ball went soaring through the air at incredible speed. megatron had but a single moment to glimpse the ball of incredibly distructive energy as it sped towards him like a bolt of lightning before it exploded against his chest with a sound like thunder as it bashed the central portion of his chest inward completely ruining the purple decepticon insignia as it is peeled half away. The Decepticon leader went flying over the edge of the building, striking other ledges The impacts against more outcroppings of rock add to Megatron's damage, each resounding crunching noise, robbing him of energy and racking his being with pain as armor is sheared off by hard rocks Fracturing the sides which split , spilling wires, fuses, lights, circuitry Sparks fly from the many wounds and his battered armor leaks energon freely, then suddenly... the ground is gone and he finds himself falling and too weak to fly.

    before he finally crashed to the city street below. his body convulses and shakes like a puppet whos strings have become entangled trying to move, but his systems seem to be rebelling against him . on the cliff Optimus stands tall, armor damaged and bearing heavy wounds, Prime stands, silent vigil over the torn wasteland, His thoughts are almost those of someone in shock, 'is he really gone this time' he asks himself while making sure that Megatron had fallen.suddenly a tightening pain fills primes chest as he clutches his left hand to his fuel pump, his knees gave way as vertigo overcame him. and he collapsed on the cliff's edge.
  17. Aernaroth

    Aernaroth <b><font color=blue>I voted for Super_Megatron and Veteran

    Mar 27, 2004
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    Unfortunately, Marvel beat you to "Prime loses it"

    Last edited: Jun 7, 2009
  18. red4

    red4 Banned

    May 27, 2009
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    Doesn't Optimus lose his fucking mind in the old Marvel comics?

    EDIT: Oh, I see a few of you guys already said this.