Ok guys I need some help here. How do Igo about getting out single sided pins? I have been trying to take apart my vortex to get him ready for paint and I just cant find a way to get these pins out with out damageing the toy. Any tips would help greatly. thanks.
I'm not all that familiar with the figure so I have no idea what type of pin you're talking about, but have you read the pin removal tutorials? It sounds like it might be one of the ones you have to heat with a soldering iron to remove, but I could be wrong since I don't know what the pin looks like. Mathius
Depends. Is it a capped pin, or a regular pin that just happens to be blocked off at one side? I know for capped pins, you can use a soldering iron to heat up the plastic around it to allow enough room to pull it out with Needlenose pliers. Not sure about the others, though.
Best chance you got is to just burn/cut away the plastic around hte pin, so that you can then grab it with pliers. That's the only way i know of, at any rate. You'll probably have to destroy some of the figure, though, so maybe just work around it if it's not what you wanted.
The cleanest way I've found to do it is to drill a hole in the closed off side. Dont use a power drill just hold a sharp drill bit in your fingers. The hole just needs to be big enough for your punch to fit through. Soldering iron + transformer usually ends in tears. hakka.