Hey HB,as far as I know they haven't shown pics of Grimstone or the other 5pack Dinobot PCC's,but you might could look and see if they have in the news and rumors thread.Hope this helps.
Gah...I was at the 'Con and "Grimstone" escapes me. Was he the Dinobot-esque 5-pack? If so, it was a fun little variey of dino-species (Not just the traditional ones), Commander was a Triceratops (or other horned-fellow) IIRC. Colors were VERY G1 Dinobots all around. Black/red/silver/gold in the right spots. FUN looking set! D/L
I think Hasbro showed pics or images of prototypes of upcoming items at Botcon in their panel. I wasn't there though so I can't help. I remember listening to the podcast though and I think DeeFuzz was talking about the torso part though. The Sunday Botcon podcast I think.
Yes, completely G1-Dinobots color scheme for Grimstone & all 4 limbs. Dino species: Grimstone was a ~"protoceratops" (1 nose horn, no other horns, though a 'jagged' frill, with points pointing backwards) The limbs included a dimetrodon, and a pachycephalosaurus, and I forget the other 2. Maybe one was an ankylosaur or related armored dinosaur? Yes, Grimstone is not a "Grimlock homage". Hasbro's take on the PCCs seem to be that these are additional characters to the already existing G1 groups, so none are meant to "be"/"homage" a specific character, but add more members and expand the "-bot"/"-con" classifications beyond just the G1 guys.
It sounded like Grimstone was a Styracosaurus, which has only been made into a TF once before - BW Neo Killer Punch. I haven't seen a proper explanation of what the Dinobot drones were, other than comments about them being lesser-used dinosaurs. Would really love to know though, this set is easily my most anticipated PCC and a must-have! EDIT: Was slow to post. Protoceratops has no horns at all, and no spikes on its frill either. Definitely Styracosaurus. Loving the sound of Pachycephalosaurus and Dimetrodon as drones!
Wow, that sounds neat as well, it wasn't a deal breaker if it wasn't Grimlock 100%. And I do like how they are leaving out the main chracters and makign new ones, but lets face it Huffer, is a direct reference to Huffer, Boomshakalaka is Onslaught, and Skyburst is Silverbolt. The Stryracosaurus would pull off a better chest piece that a folded down t-rex head, hopefully it will look like Razorclaw on Predaking, but a dinosaur instead. It would be neat if they had one arm that had something resembling a red eneryblade or some kind of clear firey weapon.
Ya, the ~"" were there on protoceratops since it was an approximation. I thought protoceratops had a single nose horn? And I didn't call it a styracosauros because the points at the end of the frill were like Slag's frill, and didn't really evoke the backward horns that Killerpunch had. But maybe that is the better approximation. I guess I was overlooking Huffer, but he's not from a group. But they do have the rights to the names Onsalught & Silverbolt, Bombshock & Skyburst don't have those names because they're new additional Combaticon/Arielbot members to add to the G1 guys, not stand-in/replace them. Stake-out & Crankcase are definitely not Hot Spot & Motormaster.
I was at the Hasbro panel at BotCon, and while I couldn't tell you the specific kind of dino Grimstone was, ankylosaur is one of my longtime favorites and I am certain he's not one.
Protoceratops - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Styracosaurus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Could have been one of the drones, and that's another dinosaur TF only seen in BW Neo, never in the G1 Dinobot style. ...it's probably too much to hope for, but I'd love for there to be a second dinosaur Commander if/when Hasbro makes a Decepticon redeco, like the suggested Dinoking.
From what I remember reading, the limbs were an Ankylosaurus, Dimetrodon, Pachycephalosaurus, and a Parasaurolophus. Grimstone was indeed a Styracosaurus. I have so far thought all of the PCC sets are not worth getting; I may make an exception for this set, though.
I'm not too into these PCC toys, but man, Dinobots sound cool! These Dinobots are some of the more obscure dinos too, so thats pretty cool!