This is an appreciation thread for...well partsformers! I feel like they are strangely neat in their own respect. So post some pics of your favorite partsformers!
Trying to think real hard which TF I can actually post in appreciation.... I do like RID Prime. He looks nice in both modes. But getting there wasn't fun at all.
i absolutely LOVE parts formers/add on sets.. like city commander.. RID prime.. omega supreme.. i just feel like they're their own combiner lol.
G1 devastator, every other combiner too. The fists, chestplates and feet were seperate pieces on g1, plus the seperate bots kind of makes them parts formers.
Well would we consider many of the Japanese mecha shows like Gundam to be partsforming? Whilst I prefer TRANSformers to be self contained I not against the visual feat of seeing parts attached to a robot to adapt to a mission or situation.
I've got no problem with parts not being attached to other parts as long as they have a home in both modes. E.g., Omega Supreme. Stuff like G1 Devastor's fists and chest piece coming out of no where bug the crap out of me. It's not a transformer. They might as well have packed a separate robot and vehicle in the box if stuff is going to magically disappear. I'll just hide the separate vehicles under my desk when it "transforms"! Admittedly, I'll give a pass for weapons, though I much prefer them having a home in alt mode.
g1 omega supreme. the absolute king and god of partsformers. the one transformer i wanted most as a kid and never got. my holy grail when i started buying tf's again.
I don't know if I'd consider a toy a partsformer if the core robot could transform without needing parts to come off to change places, yet still achieve a recognizable robot mode and altmode. The assorted Optimuses who can combine with their trailers, for example. I'm actually on the fence about G1 Magnus. Technically, the cab robot isn't a partsformer... but we're far more used to seeing him as a super robot, which does partsform, even if you discount the head, fists, and weapons accessories. Likewise, anything which has an altmode of multiple vehicles (or other forms). Combiners can't really transform without coming to pieces, or they'd look like a bunch of vehicles or animals smooshed together. Plus each part has its own separate robot-altmode transformation, which (usually) doesn't need partsforming.