Outline: IDW v2.0 2019 aka. "What I'd do instead."

Discussion in 'Transformers Fan Fiction' started by Infosaur, Apr 23, 2019.

  1. Infosaur

    Infosaur Ancient Cybertronian

    Jan 12, 2004
    Trophy Points:
    (Subject to editing because I can get very long winded and I'm already up way too late.)

    New prewar golden age Cybertron, sky's the limit.

    Okay first: no f'ing Autobots. I'm sick of this Autobot society is corrupt therefor the Decepticons. If it was so bad why would the Autobots defend it?

    So what I would do is Balkanize the entire transformers race. The thing I've always wondered is, why do Ratchet & Prowl have such distinctive crests on their heads but nobody's ever mentioned that. It's not an alignment, or a rank. So what I would do is research every Transformer's head sculpt and try to find a pattern I could make into an "ethnicity" (Prime, Megatron, Soundwave and the Seekers get a pass for reasons I'll get back to)

    What I would do with this is to make a Cybertron as alien to Bot/Cons as the Functionist world was. Also I'd be able to pair Bots/cons pretty randomly.

    Then once I have my "nationalities" I would pick a few "heros" from groups and look over their bios and try to figure out which ones would tell the best story (and absent conflict, what would all those badass warriors do? Adventures of Grimlock, the frustrated dishwasher)

    I think I'd integrate aliens more thoroughly. They're doing it sparingly in IDW:2019 but I'm seeing that a huge opportunity has been wasted. I've also had a headcannon for the origins of the Quintessons (and no, they didn't BUILD the Transformers!) that I could integrate into this story.

    That's all I can say for now.