So I plunked the 300$ down for my wings of honour box set, everything was was shiny and void of fingerprints or dents or scuffs or micro organisms it was perfect c-10 conditon ready to be afa'd omg! so I finally got a chance to open up the box mostly out of fear of everyone else crying about the quality check on the set...I opened the set mostly relieved to find all the toys were perfectly scratches or paint blemishes or loose parts....I even had all the accesories.....but when I looked at the bio cards...OMFG LOOK WHAT HAPPENED!!!!ONE11 HOW DARE THEY! I GOT AN EXTRA THUNDERCLASH BIO CARD AND MANUAL, NOW MY BOTCON EXPERIENCE IS TOTALLY RUINED!!!! *RUNS OFF TO CALL PETE ON THE PHONE AND CALL HIM ALL SORTS OF NAMES MAN HASBLO SUCKS!!111
Those dirty rat-bastards. The insolence. The audacity. The...the...the sheer dumb chance of it! I guess you could Ebay it for a ridiculous price hike?