Got a dilemma peeps....does anyone remember the toyline from the 80's..they had little chrome pilots, lots of weapon attachments..colored visors too...if anyone can help, please direct me to a link or something... Thanks, Jay Oddy
I can't remember the name but didn't they all look like some kind of tanks with drills and stuff, each could be dissambled and reassembled in other ways or combined with other sets?
Wheels Warriors don't have chromed drivers. OP, can you give us more info or draw us a picture of what you remember?
Detroa was onto something....I suck at drawing....or i'd try it Netkid. I know they had little articulation, but they were intricate for their time...anyone else wanna discuss??
I think you are talking about Starriors. There is a badass collection a guy's got on youtube. Let me give you the links here: Starriors! Part 1 - YouTube Starriors! Part 2 Bolar! - YouTube