All escaped animals accounted for, Ohio sheriff says - PETA & Jack Hannah are going to go apesh*t over this. ALL ARE DEAD! except munky
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Its sad, yet i understand why they had to do it. I mean where do you weigh life in this matter, human or animal. I saw a interview where Jack Hannah was crying. I feel foe him and all animal lovers. It was a sad day.
I agree that it is unfortunate so many exotic animals had to be killed, but considering the circumstances I think the cops made the right choice, and it does sound like they did try to tranq them first but most of those efforts failed. Plus, if they guy was charged with animal cruelty before, what the heck was he doing with almost 60 exotic animals? Wouldn't somebody have noticed the Lions and Tigers and Bears (oh my!) a while back and at the very least reported it?
It's very sad this happened, instead of the guy calling 911 and blowing his brains out over the phone as a heads up, he just had to do this. So everything he cared for, had to pay the price by dying too, what a effing legacy. Coward. I feel bad for the animals and I feel even more the guys just doing their job, because as always it's one hell of a thankless job, and I know full well they'll be called anything but a child of God for doing their job. It's a real shame all around.
Did they find the monkey yet? The TV said (yesterday) that they couldn't find the monkey and they thought that maybe it got eaten.
Like joebot said, read the article. The animals couldn't be tranquilized because they were set free at night - it was simply too dark and they couldn't chance missing a shot. Not every animal was killed. There were several cats, a bear, and a monkey or two that were captured and taken to the zoo where they will be taken care of. It's unfortunately the rest had to be killed but Jack Hanna was there from the start and they had to weigh human lives or animal lives - so much so that the school districts around the area were closed yesterday, as a precaution.
If these animals were loose, and posed a danger to the public, and no tranq guns or men trained in their use available, I could see why they would chose to shoot the animals, as time likely was a factor. It's downright tragic, but I can understand the motivation. It's also worth noting that in Ohio, you don't need any sorts of licenses to own exotic animals, so having your own private zoo like in this case is perfectly within the bounds of the law.
Not to mention it can take several minutes to take afect and multiple shots to bring the animal down. Also dosage is very tricky and if done incorrectly could kill the animal. They did the right thing.
Wish they could have at least tried to capture them alive poor tigers. Guess it was the best thing to do.